The Adventure of Packing

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Vicky's POV

Hogwarts????? She just said Hogwarts!!!!!!!! Hogwarts meant people. People meant men. Men meant boyfriend. Boyfriend meant forever happiness. Well in my my mind it did. I haven't had a boyfriend since last summer. But he really doesn't even count because he was a dickhead. Ugh never trust your uncle's evil next door neighbor to set you up with a guy. EWWWWWWWW he was nasty. (threw up a little in mouth) Gross.

Mindlessly I followed Amy to our table in the very back corner of the dining hall. We sat this far back because everyone else moved their tables away from ours, in fear of a stink bomb attack. Hehehehehe that was priceless. I wiped a tear from my eye. As if Amy knew what I was thinking about, she started to laugh as well. We both almost fell on the floor laughing. We're special we can't help it :)!!!!!! Then to ruin our fun Madam Maxime starts her grand speech about the Tri-Wizard Cup.

(French accent) "Now students as you all know by now......" I interrupt.

"I don't know Madam Maxime." I say with a mock confused/sad face. This earns me one laugh and one slap on the head from Amy. I start to fake cry. Wah

She starts again, "As you all SHOULD know," stressing the word should, "the Tri-Wizard Cup is a very noble and old and very traditional........." After traditional all i hear is "Blah blah blah blab blah blab blab blab blah" I tune her out and turn to Amy, wanting to propose that we set fire to a number of tables. But when I look at her I see that face, the always thinking, calculating, trying to put two and two face. I see this face a lot when she is trying to figure out my homework. 

"What is it Ams (random nickname)?" I ask curiously. Hoping she is thinking of a new fun prank or possibly harmful spell or or or thinking about making me a cake. (I love cake).  She puts her finger up, this means she wants me to shut the hell up and let her think. I wait because I knew it will definitely be something good.

"Hogwarts." She finally says with a searching face and a far off voice.

"Yeah, what about it?" Little cupids starting flying around delivering trays of goodness to the tables. Instead of a cupid we had a small ghost of a girl who was killed many years ago. Most girls were scared of her but we thought she was the sweetest little ghost in the world. She also brought us the most delicious food known to womankind. Today we had a feast of ham with a pineapple glaze, cheesy hash-brown potatoes, green bean casserole (i just pushed that to Amy, me and greens don't mix) and finally a triple layer chocolate cake. We both nodded our many thanks to our friendly ghost. She smiled so sweetly, then walked up behind a group of girls and yelled her head off. I wiped a proud tear off my cheek, she learned to scare so quickly.

"Think about how many books they have." Great my plans of world domination are pushed out of the picture because miss bookworm is well thinking about books.

"Books?" I say whinnying, "What do you want with some old, dusty, (pause) dust collector?"

"Let me make this simple for you. Books mean knowledge. Knowledge mean facts. Facts mean answers. And finally answers mean we figure out the heartless death eater who killed our parents." Hey, I thought to myself, books can be useful. And they might even have a book about getting the man of your dreams. Sweet this trip is going to be AWESOME!!!!!!! We decided to listen to Madam Maxine's speech, she was wrapping up anyways.

"And the group going will include Fleur Delacour as our champion." Cheers from girls. We boo, we don't like Fleur she's what we call a stuck up snob. (didn't use bad word because I promised Amy I would work on my language)

"Along with some of our more advanced students (long list of people) and finally Victoria Ruby Black and her sister Amelia Elizabeth Black." Groans from girls. We, of course, stand up and starting wooting and hopping (why because we can AHAHAHAHHAHAHA) Of course when Madam Maxime looks at us we calm down and bow to her (not sure why we did but she liked sooooooooooo yeah it worked)

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