Egg Attack

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Amy's POV

With everything FINALLY in the packed carefully in the carriage, we set off on our wondrous trip. It soon turned out like any other school event where Vicky and I our by ourselves and everyone else is hiding. We sat in the very back corner planning our plan of attack for Hogwarts, I mean we do need some form of entertainment. Frankly if we don't get a chance to prank new people we might lose our heads. (well their already gone but i do like that phrase) We started pulling out vials of our own homemade potions when we started to pick up on some of the conversations some of the girls were having.

"Oh my god I can't believe we are really going to Hogwarts." Random child.

 "I no right I can't wait to meet all the guys that go to school there." Crap they said guys which meant Vicky's ears would be pricking up right about now. She whispered to me,

"See I told you," She started, "I told you the guys would be hot and plentiful. I told you so, but no no no nobody listens to little old me nope no one at all." She huffed and went back to teasing Squawky with a box of crackers. I just grinned at her and went to back to my book. My peace didn't last long because some of the girls heard Vicky and started to talk about her.

"Great the parent-less slut is going to steal all of the guys. I just wish her and her freak of a sister would just fall of the face of the world and leave us alone." I loudly closed my book and looked up. They noticed.

"SSSSHHHH not so loud they hear us." Started a fearful second year.

"Who cares I wish they would try to start something," She laughed," they are probably to coward to try anythin........." I didn't let her finish. I simply should up, walked over to their little group, stuck a little box right next to the bitch, and sat back down. Not two seconds past by when the box exploded releasing a little potion we like to call slut-be-gone. Slut-be-gone has only one ingredient, Squawky's gas when he eats eggs. I have the foggiest why eggs causes him to produced the foulest smelling gas ever smelt, but it works really well to make the sluts be gone. (hints name) They quickly started gagging, wheezing, and then finally had a race to the window to get fresh air. Vicky was rolling with laughter along with Squawky, Momo, and me. I had a beautiful window seat so I looked outside and saw a huge (huge doesn't even begin to describe it but huge was i could think of) I closed my book, nudged Vicky, and went to retrieve our trucks. Before we landed Madam Maxime divided us to houses where we would staying during the Tri-Wizard Cup. Vicky and I got Gyriffindor. We didn't mind as long as we were together.

George's POV

"Hurry up Fred we'll be late for breakfast and you know I can't start out my day without my bacon and oatmeal." My lazy twin brother Fred lazily rolled over in bed and looked up at me.

"Five more minutes mum." He said playfully/sleepily and then rolled back over. I was having none of this from him this morning. I grabbed his blanket and pulled it quickly causing him to roll off the bed and land hard on the floor. He was up in an instant, grabbing a pillow and lunging at me.

"YOUR GONNA GET NOW GEORGE WEASLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I laughed at him because he slipped on his shirt and fell again. I hurried down the stairs to the common room, calling over my shoulder.

"Hurry up today is the day we meet the other schools."


"Ah there is sleeping beauty," I called to a grumpy ruffled haired Fred. I held out my arm. "Princess can i lead to the Great Hall on the beautiful morning." He just glared then lightened up.

"Come now young man," he started in a mock girl voice, "you are FAR too ugly to even be seen with me." We both broke out in laughs then started to run to the Great Hall. When we finally got there we sat by our friend Lee Jordan. Him and Fred starting talking about what the other school kids would like when they were interrupted by Dumbledore. He started making a speech and the introduced the girls from some French sounding school. The girls were all wearing lite blue dresses that were very form-fitting. The guys around us started to whoop and I was about to join in when I saw the most beautiful girl in the world walking towards our table with what looked like her friend. (this is Amy just so you know)  She had hair black as night that was hanging freely and went to about her waist. She was wearing the French girl blue dress but with a studded black belt around her waist and matching necklace and crystal ball earrings. She had a face that was traced in boredom and excitement. She quickly looked around and then started to talk to her hair. Odd??? I nudged Fred and called dibs on her. I then pointed out her friend and said he could have her. He then got this look of wow.

Fred's POV

I was trying to focus on the wonderful dressed girls that were running by when George nearly tore my arm off, trying to get my attention.

"You see that girl over there with the black hair?" I nodded in understand, "I call dibs you can have her friend fair?" He put his hand out and I shook it while still walking the dancing butts. Then I looked towards the girls and my heart nearly stopped. (Vicky) She was........ no words could describe her. She was laughing with her black haired friend. She had shoulder length bright bubblegum pink hair. Interesting, I thought, I like pink. She had the same blue dress as the other girls but modified with pink belt, diamond necklace and matching earrings. She was looking at her chest and then put a cracker right down her shirt. Great George gave me the weird one. But what to expect with a pink haired  oddball. But then again, I thought, she does look very sweet thought.

Amy's POV

"Will you please refrain from feeding that bird when he is in your shirt." Vicky was currently shoving crackers in her shirt, trying to Squawky to eat something.

"But he's hungry Amy and you know how likes to sit in here." She said motioning to her boobs.

"Stop pointing Vic no one wants to see your rack." She was so odd sometimes. She started to speak but stopped when she saw the boys from the Russian school.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo foreign boys." She put her chin in her hands watching the guys go past us.

"Foreign?" I asked her.

"Yup" She replied.

"We're Americans going to a French school, now visiting a London school that has Russians in it. Everywhere you look is someone foreign to us."

"I no." She was eying each and every one of the guys down. "and I am in HEAVEN." She started her giggles and I tuned her out. I started looking around at all the Hogwarts students when I saw two ginger twins looking and pointing at us. I grabbed my wand from boots and was having a tough time trying to figure out what spell to cast. Vicky saw this and grabbed my arm and questioned me.

"What on Earth are you going to do with that?" She asks wide eyed.

"I'm planning on teaching two twin gingers a lesson that's all." I again start thinking of the perfect spell.

"What twins?" She asks looking around like a retarded mere-cat. I silently pointed them out to her, still in deep thought. She takes a quick gasp. I turn to her.

"What is it Vic?" thinking something is wrong.

"How could you think to spell at them? THEIR SO FREAKIN CUTE!!!!!!" Great now she's in love with the gingers. Not here two seconds and she's in love. This ruins my chance of having fun. I look up and Vicky is waving them over, much to my shock. I look at her wide my chin hanging about two foot below me.

"What are you doing Vic?" She glances over to me with an evil grin.

"Why I'm just meeting our new boyfriends."

The End of the Fruit Days (Fred and George love story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat