Windows the Silent Killers

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I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry I haven't uploaded in forever. So now I promise to be better about uploading and now since its summer I will able alot more. Soooooooo thanks for waiting here is more story just for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Vicky's POV

"So your telling me that there is a flower at there whose petals can be crushed down to make a vomit spray." I looked up at Fred.

"Yeah I forget the name of it but its really real and really cool. Its also very pretty. Well pretty for being smelly and vomit causing."


"Really" Well he had me convinced. Now if only we (Fred and I) could find it and we could make a fortune. And if only Amy would stop grumbling I could enjoy Fred's company. Since the head smacking at dinner Amy has been a real stick in the mud. Real stick in mud. I felt kind of bad for George who was silently walking next to her. He tried to apologize like a billion times but she was not having any of it. She would shake her head and say she was fine. But I knew she wasn't. She was grumpy. I was getting tried of it.

"Hey grump monster whats the matter with you?" She glanced up and I wished I would have kept my mouth shut. If looks could kill I would have been dead AWHILE ago. She sent me the death glare that I had only seen once before. It was last summer when Amy had first tried gardening and I was first trying fire spells. Well you can put two and two together. Yeah she was a wittle bit mad. But now WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW was she mad. She put her head back now and continued to walk silently. Well that was a waste of my energy. 

We were walking by a whole bunch of windows when I tried to strike up a conversion with Fred. It was going go smoothly when Amy (being a big meanie) tackled me to the ground. Shards of glass crashed all around us. Amy got up in a flash with her wand out. While she searched for the cause of the glass bath I picked myself up. Fred rushed to my side.

"VICKY ARE YOU OK???" I looked over myself and found that everything was working right.

"I think I'm fine Fred what about you." He put his hands on my cheeks turning my face every which way searching for any injuries. When his eyes fell on my forehead.

"Oh my god Vicky you have a huge cut on your forehead." I, not thinking, reached up to touch my forehead. Fred stopped me.

"Don't touch it you big dumby. Here let me fix it episkey." (random info episkey is a healing spell used for mild to moderate injuries such as a cut or a broken nose. the more you know) I slowly reached up and finally felt my forehead. I felt the scar and felt kind of cool.

"I will now be known as THE SCAR CHILD!!!" I expected a slap from Amy but luckily she was busy. I looked over and saw her holding an owl. I suddenly felt left out.

"AMY!!!" She quickly looked over at me. She glared at me.

"WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SO BUSY WITH OWLS THAT YOU CAN'T SPARE FIVE SECONDS TO SLAP ME FOR BEING STUPID!!!" She walked over to me, slapped me, and went back to the owl. I saw her confused face and tried to chime in some help.

"So what you got there Amy?"She glanced up at me.

"A fuzzy bunny what do you think it is. It ran into the window trying to get our attention, but I can't think why." I looked at my feet and saw a letter addressed to Amy and me.

"What if it, I don't know, was trying to deliver us a letter?" She saw the letter and snatched it from my hands. Apparently nobody told Amy that when you quickly take a piece of paper from someone you cause someone to get a paper cut. 

"Fredy" I whined at Fred and showed him my cut.

"What I'm I going to do with you?" He gently grabbed my hand studying my paper cut like it held the secrets of the world.

"Fix my finger and be snappy about it."

"episkey" I jumped up and down with hyper joy (I had triple chocolate cake for desert) Amy grabbed my hand and dragged me away from Fred.

"WHAT!!!" She looked me straight in the eyes.

"It's from Uncle Sirus."


There you go awesome chapter right!!!!!!! :)

Also if wanna check out a pretty awesome story read Teenage Star by Natesgirl. It's really awesome. So yeah enjoy your summer guys!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

The End of the Fruit Days (Fred and George love story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang