Chapter 3

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So this is chapter 3..The proper stuff in this story will start next chapter..i just dont like kicking off into stories too early, or too late. Also, I havent planned this story out at all. So it will be as much a surprise to me as it will be to you in how it will turn out.

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Okay. I am the unluckiest person in the world. I'm not kidding.

Alright, maybe I'm not...but by my standards, and by most people in my year's standards (apart from ones with alcoholic parents and the ones who cut) I am immensely unlucky.

  And to give you a better idea of how unlucky that is, I'll share every single painful detail. My family told me to shut up when I was only on day 2 of my unlucky spell, so I really must be unlucky.

  There was that "getting-the-wrong-bus" ordeal on Monday, and like I said, I knew it was going to be a rubbish day after that. I couldn't have been more correct. I got 8 pieces of homework even though we only have 6 lessons a day, 7 of them were for the next day, and I got home at 8pm. Great. When I actually went to bed at 12am, seeing numbers and equal signs, as well as loads of words and letters flying around in my head, I fell asleep, so happy that that day was over. I thought that the next day would be normal again and I couldn't wait to go to the land of sleep, even if it was only for 6 and a half hours.

  That land of sleep wasn't exactly the peace I was looking for...

  At first, I was dreaming I was in my bus, sitting next to Milly. Everything was normal, we were chatting 'bout the usual, when suddenly everyone starting changing into different people which was a bit creepy, but my dreams are always creepy. I soon found myself inside the headteacher's room, where I was in detention, when suddenly she attacked me with her ballpoint pen which was surprisingly sharp. So far, my dream was weird, but it wasn't exactly the weirdest I had encountered. But then the dream went from weird to damnright scary.

  I got home, lots of red dots on my body from being attacked with a ballpoint pen. When I told my parents what the headteacher had done, they laughed at me and attacked me too. But then the ballpoint pen turned into knives and I was being stabbed. Believe me. It was painful.

  Suddenly, I was in a church, completely normal, and everyone was wailing. I started to tap people on the shoulder, asking what was wrong, but they didn't even flinch, they pretended not to hear. Funeral music came on and tears were running down people's faces. I slapped someone and they didn't react, so I walked to the front where the vicar was talking. I looked down, and there was a coffin on a grand marble table. I looked at the little gold plate on it and engraved on it was: Aurora Dennis. June 1996 - May2011. Then the vicar started going on about how I was such a terrible child and that although it was tragic I died in a car accident, we would soon get over it because the world was better off without me, which was why the Lord plucked me off this Earth with a giant finger.

  And everyone actually cheered in agreement!

  Then I was in Africa and was chased by hyenas which turned into lions. Just as they pounced on me... 

  I woke up with the sheets plastered to my face, sweat cligning to my body. Eww. Talk about gross.

  Tuesday was no luckier than Monday, and Wednesday was no luckier than Tuesday , Thursday was no luckier than Wednesday and get the picture. Now it is Sunday and I can't even enjoy the fricking weekend. I guess God is angry or something.

  I mean, on Tuesday, I was really grumpy from getting like 4 hours sleep (I was so scared by the nightmare I stayed up for 2 hours) and so when my mate Hannah went up to me going on about how totally divine her new boyfriend was and how "don't worry, you'll get another boyfriend soon, just not one as fit as mine.." (what a bitch!) I screamed at her, the teacher saw, and didn't go down too well. I said some nasty stuff and how delighted were my parent's to hear what I said?

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