Chapter 1

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The alarm went off and I rolled over picking up my phone.  Six a.m. came too early it would be nice to just lay here but I knew if I did I wouldn't get done half the work I needed to do.  Yawning I got up and headed to the shower. 

  After getting dressed in black dress pants and a pink button-up blouse I went to the kitchen in search of coffee,  I couldn't live without it. 

The door to the apartment opened and in walked my best friend Darby Madison.  Her blonde hair was all over the place and she was carrying her heels.  I laugh at her.

"Doing the walk of shame early this morning aren't you Dar?" I shake my head grinning at her.

"Hell yeah, he had to get ready for work so I had to get up.  Older guys suck."  She yawned. 

"How old was he?" I was curious.

"Umm twenty-five I think.  Mr.  Responsible didn't want to be late for work he would be perfect for you Addi." She laughed.

"Twenty-five is not old Darby,  only a year older than you! Some of us can't afford to stay out all night and sleep all day."

"Yeah well, younger guys were more fun.  They don't care about anything but getting laid." She shrugs.  "I'm going back to bed Addi, have fun at work!" She rolls her eyes.

I just laugh gathering up my laptop and files for the office.  A few minutes later I pulled into the parking garage and headed up to my office.  I have a big anniversary party coming up this weekend that I had to make sure I got all the finishing details done today.  I was working at my desk when my phone went off. 

Good morning sweetie.  Hope you have a great day!  I'll see you tonight for dinner at 7.  Love you.

It was Grant Archer, my boyfriend of two years.  I don't remember him saying anything about dinner tonight.  Hope it's not another business dinner he is dragging me to.  Grant is a lawyer and is trying to make a partner,  which means a lot of stupid dinners and ass-kissing.

Ok you too I love you

I replied and got back to work on this party.  I want everything to be perfect for this couple they are so sweet and living the ultimate fairytale.  They have been together fifty years and when they looked at each other you could see the love they had for one another. 

  It probably wouldn't be long before Grant proposed to me, he wanted to be partner first.  Then he said we could start our lives together.  He was everything I had looked for in a guy sweet, responsible, smart and he wasn't hard to look at either.  Short black hair, beautiful green eyes, Grant wasn't a bodybuilder or anything but he was trim and tone.  He was perfect for me.   

  A knock on my office door interrupted my thoughts. 

"Excuse me Ms. Hayes but you have a client here to talk about a wedding."  my assistant Nora said. 

"Ok, Nora send them in," I replied clearing off my desk and getting wedding forms out.

Nora came back with a petite blonde by her side.

"Ms. Hayes this is Emma Jacobs," Nora stated and left us.

"It's nice to meet you, Ms. Jacobs.  Please have a seat."  I told the blonde smiling up at her.  She was stunning long hair and blue eyes.  She was wearing a beautiful strapless red dress and the rock on her finger was huge. 
"So what can I help you with Ms. Jacobs?" I ask.

"Call me Emma please,  Ms. Jacobs makes me feel like I'm back in the principal's office again." She laughs. "I'm getting married and I heard you are the best!  I have to have the best because this is going to be the wedding of the season! And I don't have much time my fiancé wants to get married next month."  She smiles at me as she wiggles in her seat I can tell she is excited. 

"Next month as in May? But that's the busiest wedding month and everything will be booked solid.  I'm not sure I can make that happen that quick."

"I know it's going to be a challenge but this is what I want so can you help me or not?" She states looking annoyed.

"Let me take a look at my calendar and see what I can do ok?  Do you have any ideas for a venue?"  I can already tell this is going to be a pain in my ass but I've thrown together weddings in under two weeks before so it's possible just a lot of work."

"Yes, my family's estate.  It's huge you'll have plenty of space and my dad's chef has already agreed to cater the reception.  So half of your job is already done." She smiles.  "Please say you'll do this a lot of people are coming and it has to be perfect.  I really don't want anyone else to do it.  I've been to weddings you've done, you do amazing work! Please?"

"Ok I'll do it but I'm going to need a lot of information from you so I can get everything ordered as soon as possible," I tell her and she nods.

"Whatever you need! You can call me anytime! Thank you so much for doing this!  I'll make sure my father pays you good." She winks at me and I laugh. 

"Your welcome now I need to finish a few things, how about we meet for lunch tomorrow and start on the details?"

"Sounds great.  Here's my number just text me and I'll meet you." She stands up handing me her card.  "Thank you again I promise not to be too hard to deal with." She laughs.

"You are welcome see you tomorrow." She waved goodbye and left.  I finished working on the seating chart for the anniversary party and decided it was time for lunch.  I went to the deli down the street.  I was in line to order when some guy stepped in front of me. 

"Excuse me but I'm in a hurry I have a meeting I need to get to.  Do you mind if I pass?"  He grins down at me.  He was tall and wide.  His muscles were huge and his jacket fit him tightly.  He had sandy blonde hair that was spiked up with gel and sky blue eyes.  He was dressed in a light gray suit with a blue tie.  He was gorgeous.  I got lost in thought staring at him.  "I'll take that as a no babe." He winked at me and turned around to order. 

Ugh, he was one of those cocky guys who knew he was gorgeous.  I should have told him no.  I have work to do too but instead, I didn't say anything.  He ordered his sandwich and went to wait for it.  I ordered and sat down by the window waiting for my food.  I looked over and seen the guy looking at me, I ignored him turning back toward the window. He got up and walked over to get his food, on his way out he stopped in front of me. 

"Thanks for letting me pass you." He grins.

"You're welcome I guess even though you didn't really give me much choice."  I roll my eyes at him. 

"Hey, I asked! You didn't answer so I assumed you didn't mind.  By the way, you were staring I thought you were enjoying the view." He smirks.

"I was staring because I couldn't believe you just jumped in front of me." I was enjoying the view but I wouldn't tell him that his ego was big enough. 

"Yeah, sure babe I've been looked at by enough women to know what that look was."  He grins and goes out the door. 

What an ass! Did he just say that to my face? Ugh!  I don't have time to be worrying about some cocky jerk.  I got my food and headed back to work.

I spent the rest of my day buried in the details of this weekend's anniversary party.  By five I was exhausted and went home for the day.  I took a shower and laid down on my bed.  The next thing I knew my phone was ringing and someone was banging on the apartment door.  I picked up my phone.  "Shit." I groaned.  It's seven o'clock, I must have fallen asleep.  I had four missed calls from Grant.  I opened the door to find Grant standing there.

"Addison! What is going on? Are you ok? I've been standing here for ten minutes and I've been calling you!" Grant huffed.

"I'm fine.  I just fell asleep.  Must have worked too hard today." I yawned.

"I'm glad your ok I was getting worried now get dressed we have to go.  We are going to be late.  Oh and wear something nice Addi." He stated and sat down on the couch.  I rolled my eyes and went to get dressed.  I don't know why I have to go to these stupid dinners anyway.

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