8) Catching Up

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Jenn's POV
"Kyler what have you been up to?"

"Well you know college parties girls you know the usual."

"What are the parties like bro?"

"They are defiantly not like high school parties I can tell you that much, but I'm not gonna tell you the rest I'm gonna let you find out yourself."

"Man bro why you gotta do that to me I thought you were my bro?"

"Yea Ky thought you were his bro hahaha."

"I am he can figure it out by himself though."

"Yea yea ok bro."

"I have to go to the bathroom be right back guy's." says Jenna getting up from the table.

"Luke man why haven't you gotten with my sister yet?"

"What do you mean?"

"I know the way you look at her, it's not in a friend type of way I can tell that you love her man I've known since you were 12 it's pretty obvious."

"Yea Luke ask her out." says Tammy Jenn's mom

"Jenna doesn't like me like that she's going out with Jake, and besides she's my best friend."

"Me and Jeremy were best friend's once and now look we are married and have Jenna and Kyler."

"Yea man"

"Look honey I know you love her I can see it in the way you look at her and I know that she loves you the same. I'm just wondering when your going to ask her."

"Look man you gotta tell her how you feel before she gives up hope and commits to that douchbag Jake. He's no good for her."

"Yea I guess you guy's are right I'll tell her when the time is right."

"Hey guys I'm back, sorry it took so long there was the longest line in the bathroom." why is everyone so quit? Thats a little strange.

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