5) Why

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Luke's POV
Why is this line so fucking long?
I've been standing here for 10 minutes now and only 2 people went up. If I don't hurry Jenn's going to start wondering where I went.

~5 minutes later~
Finally it's my fucking turn
I got up to the conssesion stand and what do you know they ate out of fucking popcorn.

You wanna know what she's not getting any damn popcorn. I'll just get her favorite candy instead.

"Jenna they are out of popcorn so I got you ice caps and m&ms."

She got up and gave me the biggest hug ever and kissed my cheek. Lucky it's dark in hear or she would've seen me blush.
Damn i need to try hiding this a little better.

"Awe look they are kissing" said Jenna

"Jenna if you don't stop doing that then we are fucking leaving."

"Awe is Luky Wooky getting all mad?"

"Jenna this is the last warning"

"Damn cheer up Luke, your always so angry when I drag you to these movies."

"Hmmm I wonder fucking why."

"Luke there are children around watch your language."

"Your right sorry Jenn." And that was the last thing said before I started tickling her right in front of everyone. And let's just say pissed is a understatement...

Jenns POV
I ran out of the movie theater and went to the girl's bathroom went into one of the stalls and started to cry. Dammit why does he have to do that in public?

"Jenna, Jenn I'm sorry I knew i shouldn't have done that I'm so sorry."

"Luke w-what are you d-doing in the girl's b-bathroom? And how did you find me?"

"Umm Jenn I hate to burst your bubble but this is the guy's bathroom, and i followed you here."

"Oops.. Umm... Let's get out of here before anyone notices that a girl came in hear."

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