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Emily's POV

I'm just a normal 19 year old girl, with shoulder length, wavy black hair, huge black eyes and a bright smile. I wouldn't call myself the prettiest girl on the planet but I didn't look ugly either, I was just... Normal. My mom  was American Persian and my dad was American Korean. They met when they were in college and instantly fell in love and ended up getting married a few months later. I absolutely loved my life. And there was nothing I would want to change about it. I had a loving family and an amazing boyfriend. But all of that changed 3 years ago, when I was only 16.

(August 8, 2012)
It was a stormy night and I was walking from a friends house to mine. I wasn't feeling too well, but I decided to walk home anyway since her house wasn't too far from mine. I was wearing a white shirt, shorts and my maroon vans. It wasn't supposed to rain, so I wasn't even wearing proper clothes. I was walking across the street at a stop sign when I saw bright lights flashing at me. I turned my head and saw a car coming towards me at a very high speed. "MOVE! COME  ON EMILY, MOVE" I told myself, but no matter how hard I tried my body didn't budge. I just kept staring at the car that was now only inches away from my body. At that moment I saw my whole life flash before my eyes. I thought about my family. I thought about my friends. And I thought about how easily I let go of the one person that mattered the most in my life. My boyfriend.

That is....the only thing I could remember when I woke up on a hospital bed 3 years later.

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