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Hello to anyone who reads this... This book is like a mini journal for a group of normal, ordinary 7th graders and I think that some people who read this will be able to relate to some of the things we mention or talk about. We will make a schedule and each day there will be a different person who writes the entry but eventually if we see that some people like others' entries we will give them a chance to write more entries in the week.

Sometimes we will co-write an entry. We might not use our real names as some people prefer to keep their privacy you know..

For now this is how the schedule:
Monday: Valentina
Tuesday: Swhedha
Wednesday: Emmanuella
Thursday: Swhedha
PS: The schedule changes frequently ( If more people want to write entry's) so stay tuned!!

Friday: Everyone pretty much

(I know it's only 3 people right now but we haven't really asked anyone yet.. xD)

You guys can follow our personal accounts: Swhedha ValentinaShamoun

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