I want to be known, by you.

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~later on~

"Ludwig, darling. Wake up!" The voice was unfamiliar, a soft feminine voice. I assumed it was a nurse or doctor. It caught me off guard she was speaking English, then I remembered we were vacationing in England while my dad worked out business. The world seemed like it was still muffled from 'sleep' then everything hit me at once.

"Opa! Mama! Papa!" I flailed trying to get out of the hospital bed but sudden pain across my back kept me down.
"WO SIND SIE?! Ich muss sie sehe! SIND SIE GUT?!?" I was screaming in German, I realized they didn't know what I was saying. So I switched to English the best I could under all that distress.

"WHERE ARE THEY?! I need to see them! Are they okay?!" I restated a little calmer, but still upset.

When I saw the looks on the nurses and doctors faces, I felt my heart drop. All I felt was my heart shatter. Then the feeling of numbness soon over laid the pain. It seemed all the memories of us flashed before me as if they were being ripped away.

I get up ignoring the doctors and the extreme pain across my back. Right now the only pain I felt was in my heart.. Like broken glass.

It was such a sharp feeling that I couldn't even cry. The doctors couldn't handle me. I just need to say goodbye one last time. I walked, as they tried to stop me, I kept going. I always have too, I still have Gil. I have to keep going so he isn't alone. I'm only 14 at the time when I lost everything. Except my brother.

Learning to breath again. ( on hold!!)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant