Im a gonner.

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My name is Ludwig Beilschmidt. When I was eight, I was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. A disease in which your lungs fill with mucus to the point where you stop breathing. It's hard to explain the feeling, however; explaining what's it like to drown is a hard concept to grasp.

I never had much of a childhood, I was always bedridden. I never got to play with the other kids. The doctors were just so worried that I would collapse, and stop breathing. Because that had happened before. So I'm bad at social interaction. All I ever wanted to do was see the world, have friends....fall in lov-AND yet I'm trapped in and out of the hospital. In an endless cycle.

I may never see the world because there's not much treatment for the disease, and for my stage. The only thing that can really save my life is a lung transplant.... I've been on the list
since my 10th birthday.... I'm 20 now, and the only thing keeping me alive is machines, wires and pure will. When I was 14 my life changed and I almost gave up on living. Even now I wonder, the fibrosis is spreading; should have I just died when I could. Now I have too much to lose.... I lost my chance.

That's a story for later.

Learning to breath again. ( on hold!!)Where stories live. Discover now