
We exited Dr. Monahan's office and stepped out onto the street. The sky was still dense with gray clouds hanging low over London. Passers-by had coats with collars pulled up and hands stuffed in pockets. The air was breezeless, but the temperature was quite cold.

"Are you hungry?" Harry asked.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"I know a place just down the street a bit."

As we started our walk, Harry caught my hand in his. I looked up to his face and his lips held a smile. I noticed his smile properly. I'm sure I had spent lazy sunny afternoons admiring his smile, but those memories were lost. In that moment, I was enamored by his smile. He had one of those perfectly balanced smiles where just enough of his white teeth showed. It was expressive, emotional, genuine. It was the kind that meant happiness, not contentment.

Harry took me to a small bakery nestled in a budding part of the city. New office buildings and shops had recently moved into the area, causing a new wave of people to flood the district. There was allure to the storefronts where ladies emerged with shopping bags and there was charm to the men dressed in suits on their way to or from business meetings.

The bakery was quiet with only one young woman working behind the counter. Her eyes widened as she saw Harry enter. That seemed to be the common reaction to people recognizing Harry. He released my hand as we entered the bakery and placed his hand on the small of my back. "Go pick a table. I'll order."

I wandered over to a table and pulled out a chair. After a few minutes, Harry returned to the table with two muffins. One was banana nut and the other was blueberry. He took a seat across from me and eyed with a half smile, "You pick."

"This one," I took the banana nut and pulled the plate closer to me.

"Good, I wanted this one." He took the blueberry.

I took a bite and glanced out the window. A group of girls dressed in school uniforms were standing outside the bakery in a tight huddle giggling and pointing at us through the window. I quickly diverted my gaze and returned my line of vision to Harry.

"Harry?" A female voice rang out nervously.

Harry looked up at the girl behind the counter. She was holding two teacups. He rose from the table and took the cups from the girl and thanked her warmly before returning to me.

"It's lemon and I asked for extra honey." He placed one of the cups in front of me. I took a sip and it was good, but not like the tea Harry made me. I watched him sip his tea and then take another bite of muffin.

"How did you know I still get headaches?" I finally blurted. The question had been burning in my mind since Dr. Monahan's office and I needed to ask it.

Beneath the table, Harry's leg moved until it rested against mine. He gave me a careful look as his facial features softened. "I know you well. I can tell when you're in pain, baby."

"How?" I nearly whispered.

"I can see it in your eyes," he explained.

"No," I shook my head. "How did I end up with someone so good?"

I could see the beginnings of a blush creep onto Harry's cheeks. He looked down at his tea and seemed lost in thought for a moment.

We both looked out the window as a high-pitched scream sounded. The group of three girls had multiplied many times over. A crowd of several dozen people had assembled outside the bakery and photographers were starting to arrive.

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