Questions by Beatlescutemacca

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1) Paul, do you and Jane still live together? Do you appreciate living together?
Paul: No, it didn't work out. I'm available at the moment.
John: Oh dear, the birds are in trouble now.
Me: Paul's single, no female is safe!
Paul: Shut up, you cheeky gits.

2) George, if the world was crashing or something, like the apocalypse, will you still try to protect and eat your Jelly Babies?
George: Probably, it depends on how big the situation is. If I could, I would.
Paul: You're going to risk your life for Jelly Babies? That's stupid.
Ringo: Put yourself in his situation, but instead its your comb and mirror.
Paul: ... That's different.
John: No it isn't.
Paul: ... Why is everyone ganging up on me all of a sudden? Next question.
Me: Buzzkill.

3) John, is being a father makes you afraid, sometimes? Like the amount of responsibility, and all?
John: Sometimes, yeah. Luckily, Cyn is super great and I don't have much responsibilities. So it's not too bad.

4) Ringo, does he loves Octopuses since he was a little boy or it is new ?
Ringo: It's new. You see one day, Peter Sellers had lent us his yacht and we went out for the day. I was out on deck with the captain and we talked about octopuses. He told me that they hang out in their caves and they go around the seabed finding shiny stones and tin cans and bottles to put in front of their cave like a garden. I thought this was fabulous, because at the time I just wanted to be under the sea too.

5) What would you do if you could change the past?
George: I don't know, eat more food?
Me: I would stop sucking my fingers, before its too late. Save a lot of hassle, embarrassment and money...
Ringo: I would avoid getting sick when I was in school.
John: For me, it depends, do I take my younger self's body? Do I teleport? Or can I just think about it and change the time line automatically?
Paul: Does it matter? Its hypothetical, she doesn't actually have a way for us to change something in the past.
John: She could, she could be a time traveler or something. You don't have to be so boring about it.
Paul: Its called being mature and realistic, you should try it sometime.
John: Ew! No thanks, that sounds lame and stupid.
Me: Who wants to be mature anyway? When I'm older I'm going to be The Cool Aunt, having a blast playing imaginary games with the kids.
Paul: mutters At least I have Ringo and George, they're quite mature... wait, where are they? They've been awfully quiet.

Ringo and George stuffing their faces with chocolates at the buffet table giggling

Paul: sighs Never mind...
Me: Wait, we had chocolate!? Since when? That's all the time we have for today! Paul can you be a doll and say goodbye for us? Thanks, come on, John.
Paul: Wait, what about - sighs Never mind... anyway, hope you enjoyed today's interview. Make sure you send in questions in the comments so we can answer them. Um that's it, just send in questions for the next interview, please. Call me if you're a bird who's not loony like these lot. Bye!

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