Chapter 25...

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I wake up feeling around me to nothing. I groan curling as I wince. Pain shooting through my belly.

I open my eyes finding the whole room empty. The pain disappears and I sit up rubbing my eyes. I get up crawling to my bag, I open it finding a cute skirt I haven't worn in a while. I grab a small shirt and jacket to go with while I stand to my feet. I look around making sure I was alone before I descend to the bathroom closing the door behind me.


I take a shower getting changed into my clothes. I put my hair up in a pony tail and walk out of the room noticing Louis laying face first into the pillow. I smile walking to sit on his bed. He groans knowing I'm going to interrupt his nap.

" where's everyone?" I ask, he doesn't move and just mumbles things into the pillow. Unreadable. I sigh loudly and get up walking toward the door.

" fine ill look myself" I say opening the door

" Payton don't" I hear Louis yell now getting up from the bed. I step out into the hallway looking around to find no one. Louis marches his way over to me pissed. I smile walking down the hallway away from him.

" Payton!!" He yells getting more and more pissed.

" do you really think I'm going to run?" I yell back getting frustrated with all their lack of trust in me. He raise his eye brows still stalking toward me.

" well since you think that maybe I will" I say facing him as I walk backwards. He suddenly stops and smirks at me waiting for something to happen. I keep walking backwards to hit something hard. I shudder at the feeling knowing who it would be.

" what are you doing" he hisses from behind me. I turn looking up at him innocently.

" you weren't there when I woke up. I wanted to find you" I tell half the truth, his eyes soften a smile appearing on his lips. He looks down noticing I'm dressed.

" cute" he breaths taking my hand leading us to the elevator.

" where are we going?" I ask excited that were actually getting out of the hotel. His face hardens as the doors of the elevator closes. He turns facing me.

" are you sick?" He asks eyeing me. I raise my eye brows confused and surprised by what he asked me.

" no?" I speak more like a question. His face doesn't change as he faces the door again, squeezing my hand slightly making sure that he's holding onto me. I look down as we walk out of the elevator. He doesn't trust me. I don't think I trust me.

" I love you" I whisper under my breath. Knowing that it sounded real means it is real. I'm sure of it.

I look up watching his face contort into confusion.

" where are we going?" I ask again remembering he ignored my first time. He doesn't answer and leads us toward his car. I dig my heals back refusing to move.

" last time you ignored me, you knocked me out" I frown at the memory. He turns facing me, towering over me.

" don't do this Payton. Just move or I'll make you" he threatens. I scoff shaking my head.

" answer my fucking question. For all I know you could be taking to kill me. Just like Alex." I spit at him. All the bad memories coming back to me. I remember.

" and you. You make me forget everything." I say under my breath looking down as the memories flood back to me.

" I should have listened to him" I mutter looking up again to find his eyes turning silver his mouth forming a straight line.

" Jason? You believe Jason over your own fucking boyfriend" he growls looking at me deeply.

" I don't trust you. You make me forget things that I should remember" I furrow my eyebrows confused.

" fuck this" he mutters as I'm lifted over his shoulders. I squeal hitting on his back. He then throws me in the passenger seat not bothering to look before slamming the door.

He takes his seat and drives off.

" you don't love me" I mutter looking up at the roof of the car. I look over to him his eyes still staying the silver.

He angrily punches the wheel before pulling over facing me.

" you make me so fucking angry" he growls looking down as he takes my hand in his.

" but I know for a fact I'm in love with you Payton" he says looking up to find his green eyes once again.

" then tell me where we are going" I break the moment as his smile turns to a line again. He turns to the wheel and starts to drive again.

" trust me" he says looking around, almost like he's remembering where he is.

" trust is earned" I mutter leaning back again. ...

Tough love... Harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now