Holy Roman Empire

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"Shut up will you?!" you spat as you pushed Chibitalia, making him cry.

Seeing his Ita-chan crying, Severine a.k.a Holy Rome  tackled you on the ground.

"You'll pay for making Ita-chan cry" he angrly hissed.

You gave him a glare, then smirk.

"Tsk try me"

"why you" he raised his little hands in the air to pucnch you.

You closed your eyes and prepare for Holy Roman's fist.

"THAT'S ENOUGH" a voice roared.

You open your eyes and saw Mr. Austria holding Holy Rome's Hand.

He pulled Holy Roman away from you and you quickly stood up.

"Severine, __ what the heck happen? Why does Ita-chan crying?"

Severine pointed you. "She did it.. She make Ita-chan cry and I'm gonna teach her a lesson"

He said as he charged towards you but stopped again by Mr. Austria.

"I said that's enough!" he shouted and pick Chibitalia up.

"__, Severine, Follow me" he said with a stern in his voice.

Both of you followed Mr. Austria.

~Time Skip

You all enter to Mr. Austria's mansion.

"You three stay here for a while, I'm gonna get something upstairs" he said and look at Chibibalia's direction..

"Ita-chan, don't let __ and Severine argue ok?"

Chibitalia nodded.

"Good" he smile and went upstairs.

As Mr. Austria dissapears, Holy Roman rush towards Chibitalia and hugs her. (Yeah Holy Roman thought Chibitalia's a Girl.. Blame Ms. Hungary)

"Italia are you alright?" 

"Un. I'm ok" Chibitalia said cheerfully.

You rolled your eyes.

You hated how he cares to Chibitalia.

His attention were always for Chibitalia.. 




Why he doesn't look a me.. 

Don't he see that I like him... you bitterly thought.

you didn't notice Chibitalia is already infront of you..

"__-chan are you--" 

you pushed him one again.

"Don't come closer" you glared.

"Hey! stop pushing Ita-chan" Severine said as he pushed you..

Mr. Austria saw what happen and dashed.

"__, Severine stop arguing.." he said as he handcuffed the two of you.

"Ehhhhh? what is this Mr. Austria?" you whined 

"That's your punishment" he said calmly.

"But why am I handcuffed with her?" Serverine groaned at the Austrian.

"Well I was just planning to only punished __, but I saw you pushed her.." he said and pick Chibitalia once again..

"Ita-chan and I will just go outside.. I hope when we come back both of you already get along or else I won't release you"

then they walk away.

Time skip~

hours passed and Mr.Austria and Chibitalia were still outside.

Severine sighed.

"Man, I wish I'm with Ita-chan" he glares at you "This is all your fault.. "

You glared him.

You had enough.

"Ita-chan, Ita-chan, always Ita-chan, Don't you see me Severine-kun.. I like you!!"

Serverine gasp at your sudden outburst.

"Yo-you like me?" he asked, blushing.

"Yeah so? You don't care anyway right because you like Ita----"

you were cut off bye Severine, kissing your cheeks.

"I like you too" 

"But I thought you like italia"

"I like Italia as my little sister" he grinned

Handcuffed (Hetalia)-ReaderXVariousWhere stories live. Discover now