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“Are you insane Italy?” you asked in utter surprise looking at your hands handcuffed to Romano’s.


Italy shook his head smiling cheekily.

“You guys deserve it~Ve.”

“Danm it Italy..this isn’t funny.”

Romano grind his teeth in anger.

Italy jumped back in fear as Romano advanced towards him, dragging you along.

“Hey, hey, hey you’re hurting me,” you cried, trying your best to stop him.

“And you~!” Roman turned around to you.

He held your body close to his. So close that his nose touched yours.

“If you weren’t so obnoxious this would have never happened to us,” he roared.

“Calm down,” you said pushing him back casually.

“Ve~I don’t care what you guys do! If by the end of the day, both of you learn to behave I will release you.”


- both you and Romano yelled.

Italy  jumped up comically and hid his trembling hands behind him for those hands held the key.

He ran to his room and shut the door so you two wouldn’t bother him anymore.

Romano sat down in frustration pulling you down with him.

“Can you stop doing that? It hurts my wrist.”

You complained once again. He didn’t bother to reply or even look at you. Both you and him sat in the hot room looking here and there.

“It’s really hot,” you whined.

“Get up! I need to turn on the fan.”
“I’m not getting up,” he replied.

“Please Romano!” you blinked repeatedly to look cute.

He looked at you with a flat face and then rolled his eyes after your little show.
“Oh my goodness I hate you,” you said pushing him over.

He fell to his side causing you to tumble over him.

“Get off of me~Idiota,” Romano shouted pushing you over.

At that moment, analyzing the whole situation in only a few moments, instead of getting mad you began to laugh.Romano looked at you strangely as you rolled over into a ball. Tears formed in the corner of your eyes and your stomach began to hurt.  Romano, who was annoyed at first had started to get amused by your silly behavior.

“What is it?” he chuckled.

“N…no…nothing,” you said wiping the tears out of your eyes.

You uncontrollable laughter had finally stopped. You could see that Romano wasn’t that tense anymore. The wrinkles on his forehead had disappeared.

“Romano!” you called out.

He turned his head to look at you.

“We really should stop fighting. I mean …look at us. We’re acting like a bunch of kindergartners.”

Romano began to smile. You were sure he was thinking about something.

“Yeah we should,” he said sounding aloof.

“Do you think Italy will believe us if we tell him that…” you couldn’t even finish your statement as Romano pulled you closer and pressed his lips against yours.

“Whaaa!” you gasped but very quickly submitted instead of struggling.

“What was that?” you asked, when he finally pulled away.

“I -I really don’t know,” he scratched his head with his free hand.

“I think my heart has been meaning to do that for a long time,” he mumbled, Blushing and not being able to make eye contact.

“Well clearly my heart feels the same way,” you muttered.

“Did you say something?” he asked.

“Oh nothing, nothing,” you replied.

Both of you looked away to hide the forming smile on your lips. Italy had helped you two in a way and both of you were secretly grateful for that.

Handcuffed (Hetalia)-ReaderXVariousWhere stories live. Discover now