Chapter 3

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today is still October 11, just writing the first few chapters today so i can finally publish them :)



Ashton's POV

everyday me and dan skyped, and we grew closer and closer. we have been talking for about 2 months now, but have never met in real life. i wanted to ask so badly if we could meet, but i was so scared.

we've been skyping for about half an hour when i became completely zoned in the thought of meeting him. i had just then remembered that he said that he lived in London too.

"what are you doing" dan said, chuckling at me.

"you still live in london, right?" i asked, snapping out of my thoughts.

"yeah why?" he asked

"i think we should meet up. i mean like, we've been talking for about 2 months now, right? would it be weird if we met up?" i said, scared for his reply.

"no, dude we totally should! how about we meet up this weekend. we can go to starbucks then walk around if you'd like." he said

for the rest of the night we made plans and talked about more random stuff. by the time it was 12 am we were still talking, and i had all of the sudden got tired.

after a little more of talking, by eyes were closing and i was drifting off to sleep.
dan finally looked back up at the screen from whatever he was doing with his hands and said "goodnight beautiful"

i felt my face turn red and i gave a huge smile, signaling that i had heard him and that ill talk to him later. he smiled and ended the call, and i just fell asleep right on the floor, in pure bliss from remembering the cute comment he gave me.

~Time skip to the meet up day~

Dan's POV

i waited inside of starbucks waiting for my new friend. well, i mean we arent really new friends, but new to physical contact. i was messing with the sleeves of my shirt and my head flung up everytime i heard the door open or close.

finally, someone i actually knew came in through the door. Ashton. I awkwardly waved to her when she finally saw me, and she smiled and walked over.

"nice to finally meet you" she said, grinning widely.

"same to you. take a seat? i ordered for you already. you told me what you liked here a few weeks ago and i somehow remembered" i said

she made a little chuckle and thanked me, then took a seat across from me.

the whole day we walked around the city and my heart raced anytime she got near me. i didn't know what it was, but i loved the feeling of it.

Internet (a danisnotonfire/Dan Howell fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum