Chapter 1

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hey guys, welcome to this new fan fic im making about Dan Howell.

the date is currently october 11, 2015


hope you enjoy!

Chis Rawnshar? Add. Cate Elizabeth? Add.
This was basically how I made internet friends. I just add people on skype and hope they want to talk!
Ella Lancaster? Add. Dan Howell? Haha, Howell sounds like a wolf. Add.

After adding about 20 more people, I went onto instagram to see what everyone was up to. Usually only about 1/6 of the random people I add on skype respond, and 2/3 of that actually become my friends. Lately I haven't been keeping up with some of them, but it was still nice to know they accepted me.

About two hours later, only 3 people added me back, but I didn't want to talk to them immediately. When the day was over, I fell asleep before I checked who added me back.

It was now Wednesday, and school was over. I was a college student in London, as a audio technician. I play the drums and a little guitar, and I wanted to be an instrumental player for vocal artist. You know how you hear people like Justin Beiber and Beyonce singing on the radio? Well, there has to be SOMEONE playing those background cords, and I wanted to be one of them.

As I came back into my little apartment, I immediately went onto skype to see who had added me. John, Cate, Alexandria, Dan, and a few other random people added me. John, now that I saw his profile more clearly, he looked much older than me so I skipped him.

I didn't feel like talking to any girls right now, so I basically only had Dan, or any of my older friends. I went to talk to Dan, since i wanted to talk to someone new and henwas the only one who seemed reasonable. I sent him a message of just a "hi", and then went onto various social medias waiting for a response.

He didn't respond until almost an hour later, but he seemed to stay on the internet since he responded.

Dan: hey

me: hi

dan: what's you're name stranger :3

me: sorry, it's Ashton. I just now realized that I never filled out my name on this website haha

dan: thats okay lol im dan

me: so dan, how are you?

dan: good hbu (hbu=how bout you)

me: same just a little stressed.

dan: awe that sucks. why?

me: my college is getting so frustrating. i was never good at school.

dan: me either. I dropped out lol

me: nice, wanna stay up tonight with me?

For the rest of the night him and I talked, until we finally realized that it was almost 1 am and that I had school at 8. We said our goodbyes and promised to talk again soon.

okay woah first chapter.
sorry its a little boring im just trying to get something started lol. but you can read the next chapter... and the next... depending if i actually wrote anything lol.


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