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My name is Aram Marie Faye and I live in a world that is very close to perfect. No pain, no sadness, or heartache. I can see Earth just beyond my mirror and a girl who looks just like me, a girl who experiences so much pain, I can't bear to look at her face and she can't bear to look at mine because I am her mirror image... she is ashamed of me. I am there when she looks in her mirror and I block her from getting inside, if she came in she would bring emotions and corruptions to us. Each of us here is a mirror image, a guardian of our world and our mirrors provide us with a look inside what our lives would be if things were very different. If we were humans, if we made mistakes. We shouldn't hear their thoughts as strong as our own, but I do. We shouldn't feel their pain enough to take our breathe away, but I do. I can see through her eyes and it consumes me sometimes. What can I do? I've found myself envying those whose charges have died sometimes, no more secrets, no more humanity, no more pain, no more emotions, emotions that make no sense. The girl in the mirror, her name is Mara and she is one of the broken people. People who have experienced so little positive things in their lives our marked for destruction in our world, yet it seems she feels less than I do. Somewhere inside she longs for a world just like mine, they all do. With no fear for what they loose, that is the way of the broken people, but this is the way of my people. The guardians of the world of light, the city of a thousand names.

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