When he asked you to be his Girlfriend.

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Finn Balor: It was a rainy Friday night in his hotel room. He leaves the room for a second and comes back with a box. You open it and on the inside lid it says " Will you be my girlfriend?." You say yes and he puts the necklace on you.

Sami Zayn: It was about midnight in LA and Sami wanted to take you to the beach. Once you got there you guys walked along the beach and stopped when you saw a heart drawn in the sand and the rose petals spelled out Will you be my girlfriend? You jumped into his arms and said yes.

Kevin Owens: You were packing up to leave Raw and something falls out of your locker. You pick up the paper and it says Will you be my girlfriend y/n? You heard the locker room door open sand Kevin was there. You walk over to him and say yes.

CM Punk: You watched as CM Punk win his match. And he grabs a microphone Y/n, Will you be my girlfriend?." You run through the halls and to the ring. You jump in his arms and say yes to being his girlfriend.

Dolph Ziggler: You had a died with Lana for dolphs love. When you though he was gonna ask Lana he turns to you and ask Will you be my girlfriend? You told him yes even though little miss Lana wasn't too happy with him asking you instead of her.

Dean Ambrose: You were getting interviewed by Renee Young and Dean walks up to you with flowers. Be my girlfriend? Dean said in the microphone and you took the flowers and said yes.

Roman Reigns: Roman s daughter handed you this colorful paper that said Will you be my girlfriend, Y/n? Joelle colored it in with a (your favorite color) crayon. You said yes and Joelle hugged you both.

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