What you guys do on Valentines Day.

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Finn Balor: He makes a dinner just for the two of you. You give each other your presents you hid for weeks.

Sami Zayn: You both start out your day at the spa getting couples massages. Then he takes you shopping to your favorite store. He buys you lunch and then you go home and he starts to prepare dinner. At the end of the night you go up stairs and do your business.

Kevin Owens: You bought lingerie for him after dinner tonight. You wore it under a long coat with tour knee high stockings and black heels. While he had his back turn you ripped the coat off. You both skipped dinner because he couldn't wait to take that off you.

CM Punk: He had dozens of roses sent to your hotel and a few bags of clothes. You couldn't spend this day with him since you were in the road.

Dolph Ziggler: Netflix and Chill in your underwear in your hotel room eating anything you want off room service.

Dean Ambrose: He knows how much you love nutella so he bought you lots of it. He took you out to a fancy restaurant that took him months to get a reservation.

Roman Reigns: You spent some time with his daughter until she went home with her mom. You guys watched Fifty Shades of Grey in the bedroom. Let's just say you guys never finished watching the movie.

John Cena: He bought you flowers, a new Louis Vuitton purse and took you out to dinner. Once you got home you showed him the outfit you bought just for him.

Cesaro: He blindfolded you and took you upstairs. He gave you one of the best massages ever. The rest of the night you both cuddled in each others arms til you fell asleep.

WWE PREFERENCESOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora