Chapter 8

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(Midorikawa's POV)
"Two. How many times do I have to tell you, no throwing human against walls. They don't appreciate it nor do they respond well to it, you have to be gentle with them, consider their feelings first. Understanding is a key step towards establishing a relationship from which both parties benefit." I looked up to see another demon, a guy this time, with sandy blonde hair and striking red eyes, he noticed me looking and smirked at me before lowering Gouenji to ground. "There you go, all safe and sound now." He said, patting Gouenji on the head, the other demon glared at him "Damn you Azana, you just had to save that one didn't you, God you're so irritating you know that?" The Azana guy just smiled at her "Hey but this way we can have more fun, there's no point in killing someone if you aren't going to at least enjoy torturing them first." I paled, my breath hitching in my throat "N-no, no no p-please! Please don't!" I begged, trying to get up but my legs were still bound.

Azana laughed, still maintaining his tight grip on Gouenji's arms "Awww, you're so cute! Hey Two, where'd you find this cutie huh?" He said, the Two girl put her hand on my shoulder "Hey back off Zana, he's mine, I need his heart." She said defiantly and I wasn't sure if I should've felt relieved or more terrified. Azana pouted "But I don't want this one, I want that one! No offence dude but you just ain't my type. C'mon Two can't we just share?" I looked over at Gouenji who was struggling to get out of the demon's grip, I tried to think of a plan but I had nothing, I'm no good at all this kind of stuff.

The Demons continued to fight, shouting at each other whilst I tried to think of a way out of this mess. Suddenly Azana let go of Gouenji and lunged at me, I screamed only to see him stop right in front of me, staring deeply into my eyes, I tried to shuffle away from him only for the other demon to grab me "Azana what the-" she started before he looked at her "Did you see it Two?" He asked and I tilted my head in confusion, she turned me around and stared into my eyes, I saw the violet flash blue for a moment before she smiled "How could I have missed that?"

She turned me back around before pushing me towards Azana. He held me tightly as she walked over to her little table thing, rummaging around in it. "Well this makes things a lot more interesting now don't you think baby?" He asked and I shuddered at what he called me. "W-what are you talking about? And that's not my name." He just smirked at me "I can call you whatever I want cutie, deal with it." He replied before bringing his face down and whispering something in my ear. My eyes widened.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Gouenji creeping up on Azana, he looked like he had a rock in his hand or something. "Don't. Even. Think about it." Gouenji dropped the rock as Two walked over to us, something behind her back "You see Zana, this one's trouble." Azana just sighed before squeezing me tightly, nuzzling my face. "Why can't you be more like Aylin here huh? Aylin doesn't cause trouble." I blinked in realisation at the new name I'd allegedly been given by my alleged now demon boyfriend, allegedly.

"Aylin? Hmmm, you know that's not too bad actually, good one Azana." Two remarked as she sat down in front of me, still hiding what she was holding. "Um, It's a nice name but I'd prefer it if you'd call me Midorikawa..." I said, trying to sound a bit confident, I mean, if I kept my cool I might be able to reason with the demons or trick them somehow....I hadn't thought about how exactly I could do that yet though.... "Hmmmmm, Midorikawa eh? Nah I'm gonna still go with Aylin. Aylin's cute, just like you baby!" Azana stated and I felt a shiver run down my spine, I wish he would stop calling me that.

"Hey!"Gouenji suddenly shouted and Azana muttered something under his breath. "Are we seriously doing this? Won't you just let us go already, you said it yourself-there's no point in me being here-" "Ohmygod! Will you just shut up seriously!" Two remarked and I saw her eyes change from violet to striking blue. Suddenly Gouenji yelled out in pain, grabbing his right arm as he stared at the woman with a mix of shock, pain and fear "W-what are-" he choked out through the pain and Two just smirked at him before bringing her free hand out from behind her back "That ought to show you..." My eyes widened. It was a voodoo doll.

"You see, I only need to look at someone for a few moments in order to make a doll, of course the longer I'm around someone the more accurate, and more potent the doll becomes. And now you've seen what I can do with it too..." I gulped in fear, I could now see behind her back-there was one of me too...

"Azana. I think you better take a hold of this one, I'll have trouble's." She said, throwing my voodoo doll to the other demon, I had to get that back-fast. Gouenji held his arm in pain, giving Two a death glare. "And you'll be very glad to hear that it's not just you two that have the honour of being dolls, I found a couple of new contenders as well, although they are still in the early stages." Two commented, sitting back and giving me a creepy smile. Azana made a noise of interest and Two went on to explain.

"Let me think, Ah yes; there was two of them, looked around the same age, one with brown hair and the other had red hair, yes that's right fiery red hair." My eyes widened, my heart beginning to race 'Hiroto! No please, not him! No not Hiroto!' I cried internally, trying not to let my knowledge show. "Now Aylin, you wouldn't know anything about that would you?" Azana whispered into my ear and I just froze. I just closed my eyes wishing this could all just stop, I couldn't stand it. I heard Azana sigh, before I was turned around, I opened my eyes to see him staring down at me with something that almost looked like concern. "C'mon now baby, don't be like that. I don't want to have to hurt you alright, we just want to know if there's any more of your little friends running around!"

"N-no, it's just us! I-I don't know who those other two are I swear!" I said hastily and Gouenji nodded his head furiously. Two just shook her head "He's lying, there's a bunch of them down there, they must all be friends, plus...he's got that look." "Uh huh. That makes our job a little more enjoyable." I gulped nervously "W-what are you talking about?" I asked in confusion and Two just smirked. Suddenly Azana began untying the ropes that bound my hands and feet, setting me on the ground. I didn't know what was going on but I was scared. Azana walked towards me, before grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him, connecting our lips.

I pulled back in disgust "Why did you?-" Azana licked his lips and smiled "I knew it." He leaned towards me "So where's Hiroto now huh Aylin?" My heart stopped. How could he know? Azana stood up, stretching his black wings out, Two gave him a questioning look "Hey where do you think you're going?" The other demon gave me an evil glare, Crimson eyes flashing brightly.

"I'm gonna kill Hiroto."

((Haha yet another cliffhanger...I'm sorry this chapter was so short but I've had such writer's block lately with this. Hopefully this was worth the wait though))

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