Chapter 5

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(Kidou's POV)
It all happened so quickly, a never-ending darkness stretched beneath me as I tumbled to what I thought would be my death. I just kept falling and falling, the deafening sound of everyone else screaming overwhelming me, until I landed on the ground. It should have been hard and I should have broken every bone in my body but that didn't seem to happen.

Whatever it was had softened my impact. I was disoriented and confused, but finally managed to open my eyes. I wish I hadn't. We weren't bathed in darkness anymore, we were in some kind of underground pool. My hands felt the cold, clammy skin but for some reason I just didn't move, I mean I had landed right on top of it-right on top of a kraken.

My senses finally came back to me as I was alerted by splashing and screaming, I frantically looked around and saw some of the others trying to heave their friends onto its huge back. Suddenly, a hand shot out of the water and grabbed my foot. "H-help me!" Nagumo spluttered, trying to climb up. Shaken, I pulled him up and he sat panting beside me, I looked around at the others, there were still some in the water. I was about to cry out to them when I froze in fear, a low rumbling sound filled the room. The Kraken started to rise up, I lost my footing on it's slimy skin and slipped; luckily Nagumo grabbed my hand just in time.

Huge tentacles with thousands of suckers rised up above us, "Everybody listen up!" I heard someone say, I saw it was Genda and tried to crawl over to him but Nagumo held me back "There's a door over there, that's our way out!" He screamed, pointing to a metal door by the tiny bank of the pool, then ducking as a tentacle whipped over him. I wasn't paying attention and one tentacle shot out of the water, straight at me.

(Nagumo's POV)
I don't know why but I tried to kick the thing away from Kidou, it just wrapped itself around my leg instead, just brilliant. Kidou frantically tried to pull it off but the grip just tightened. I couldn't feel my leg anymore as the tentacle tried to lift me up into the air, I was upside down with Kidou holding onto one arm, my leg only minutes away from being broken.

Just then a scream pierced the air, Sakuma was being hoisted up, right next to us. "Ki help me!" He shouted, reaching out for his friend's hand. I looked into Kidou's eyes then back at Sakuma, then back to Kidou, they were best friends- it wouldn't be fair.

"Uhhrgh! Just save Sakuma!" I shouted, feeling faint from the excruciating pain in my leg. But Kidou didn't let go, he grabbed Sakuma's hand with his other and attempted to try and pull us both down. He wasn't strong enough. We were both being pulled in opposite directions "Let go Ki! You'll be ripped apart!" Sakuma choked out, the tentacles now advancing around his neck. Before I could do anything, there was another scream.

Through my distorted vision I saw the sight of Midiorikawa being dropped into the mouth of the kraken. Then I sailed through the air and came crashing through the icy water below. I thrashed about, just exhausting myself more. I was going to drown. I couldn't hear anything anymore, not that I wanted to. I sank slowly, the pain and tiredness taking a hold of my body, something bright caught my eye; it vanished and just as I was about to turn around I felt something grab my hand.

Before I could panic Handa dragged me down, I could feel the water becoming warmer as a sort of current gripped onto me. I idly let Handa pull me along, my lungs starting to starve. Just then I saw the light in the corner of my eye. A beautiful mermaid appeared in front of me, she had a soft look in her golden eyes as she gently pulled my hand away from Handa's. She intertwined our fingers and smiled gracefully, I was paralysed, it was only then that I saw her eyes flash as she bared her fangs and brought them down on my arm.

(Handa's POV)
I saw it happen, her eyes locked onto mine evilly and my heart stopped. The vent was just a few centimetres away but somehow I still felt vulnerable, I quickly made a decision. I swam towards the vent, there were no bolts and I just stared dumbfounded at it before hitting it with my fist. It popped open. I thanked it's stupid design then turned around to see Nugumo trying to weakly fight off the mermaid who was trying to bite him again. I grabbed his bad arm, feeling the wound on my fingers, and pushed him roughly into the small opening, following straight after and closing the vent door.

Inazuma Eleven: a Halloween nightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें