Chapter 6

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(Genda's POV-a little while later)
I managed to clamber onto the side of the pool that I'd seen earlier and hauled myself over the edge onto the wet tiles. My lungs were slowly gaining oxygen again as I just lay there completely overwhelmed-this all seemed so real but it couldn't be could it or else...I shook my head, trying not to think about it and instead stood up, waving my arms and yelling for the other's to follow me. I had to duck as a tentacle raced towards me, smashing into the wall behind me. The kraken wailed in pain and I saw Sakuma wiggle out of its now loose grip and plunge into the water.

I saw him swim over to me, he looked extremely tired and I stretched out my hand to him, pulling him up into my arms. He was cold and shaking like a leaf "Saka, you see that door over there? Go over there and try and open it okay?" I said and he let go of me slowly, walking across the tiles in complete silence-something was up with him. I didn't have time to contemplate that thought as someone's arm popped out of the water in front of me. I helped Suzuno out of the water, he spluttered slightly, looking frantically down at the dark water.

"I c-can't find Nagumo, h-he's not down there!" He spoke breathlessly as he stood up facing me. "W-what if he drowned?! What if that thing got him?! What do I do?!" He shouted grabbing hold of my shirt, tears in his eyes. I was about to reply when I heard someone yell "Look out!" A huge tentacle came crashing down towards us; I grabbed Suzuno, throwing him down to the floor with me as it landed where we were previously standing. The tentacle slammed down on the poolside, shattering the grimy tiles and sending broken pieces everywhere.

I felt a stinging sensation in my leg and I knew one of the shards had just cut me "Move!" I yelled as we scrambled to get up, the kraken roared angrily, shaking the whole room as we ran over to Sakuma who was angrily shaking the door. "It.Won't.Open!" He shouted, kicking the lock with a great deal of force. It wasn't locked but the door bolt was completely rusted over, we would need time to get this open and time definitely wasn't on our side. Someone needed to draw the Kraken away from us so we could work on getting the damn door open. "Hey you! Yeah I'm talking to you!" I looked over at the water, I recognised that voice instantly.

Fudou was stood atop the Kraken, jumping up and down to try and get its attention, only then did I notice Kidou who was hanging onto one of the tentacles for dear life, another was wrapping itself tightly around his leg as he struggled to kick it off. A tentacle raced towards Fudou, he jumped over it, landing heavily on the Kraken's back "Is that all you got huh? You slimy piece of shit!" He shouted angrily as more and more tentacles tried to attack him. The Kraken had seemingly had enough and began to rise out of the water, the water whirling around it as it did so, Fudou tried to hang on but got knocked off by a tentacle, crashing down into the water.

Kidou was now hanging upside down and I had lost sight of Fudou, until he reappeared a few moments later "Over here!" Suzuno shouted from behind me and Fudou hastily swam towards us. "K-kidou!" Sakuma yelled suddenly and he ran towards me, something in his hand. He was about to throw it when I grabbed his arm. "No, you might hit Kidou!" I shouted before grabbing the broken tile piece from his shaking hands. "Well what do you expect me to do Gen?! This whole thing is your fault, this was your stupid idea, now look at us! Let go of me already!" I backed up in fear, what was up with him, Sakuma's never shouted at me like that before!

"I'm not just gonna sit here and watch that monster eat my best friend Genda!" He shouted but I still held onto him. "There! It's eyes!" Suzuno said, pulling up a weary-looking Fudou. I looked over at the Kraken, two huge yellow eyes stared back at me. "Hurry!" I lobbed the tile as hard as I could at my target, as soon as I did the Kraken shrieked in pain, flailing its massive limbs around, sending Kidou flying through the air, straight at me.

Fudou ran in front of me, trying to catch him, but he barrelled  straight into us, knocking the three of us down. I groaned in pain as either Sakuma or Kidou (I didn't know which) rolled off me. I grabbed my head painfully before being startled by a scream.

"H-help me!" They screamed and I looked back over at the water, the now un submerged kraken towered above us, its colossal mouth showed the numerous rows of sharp, jagged teeth that were previously hidden beneath the depths. I shuddered in fear before the person screamed again, drawing my attention to a small figure crouched at the top of it's mouth-Tachimukai.

"Tachi listen to me listen to me! You've gotta jump now you hear me!" Tsunami, who I'd only just noticed was treading water next to the Kraken, shouted but Tachimukai was not moving anytime soon. "I can't swim Tsunami! I'm gonna drown!" He yelled back, completely rooted to the spot. " No no it's okay Tachimukai, I'm right here I got you okay? I'm not going to let anything happen to you but I'm gonna need you to trust me on this." Tsunami spoke, Tachimukai looked down at him before nodding his head furiously "Okay I trust you!" "Alright, jump on 3?   1...2...-"

The Kraken suddenly jerked around, Tachimukai lost his balance and screamed, slipping and falling into its awaiting mouth. "TACHIMUKAI!" Tsunami screamed and my eyes widened at the sight. "... I'm o-okay!"
he suddenly said,I looked up to see him holding onto one of its teeth and breathed out a sigh of relief.

(Tachimukai's POV)
I tried not to look down as I clung onto the tooth with both arms, my legs dangled into its mouth and I could feel its hot breath rising up towards me, it smelt absolutely disgusting. The jagged tooth was ripping into my arms but I tried to ignore the pain as I heard Tsunami shout up at me. I didn't want to look down and clung tightly to the tooth just wishing Tsunami would come and rescue me right now, wrap me up in his arms... I'm sorry I'm scared okay!

I couldn't really hear what he was saying because to be honest I was too busy trying not to die to pay much attention. I felt something trickle down my arm, slimy saliva ran down my arm as I tried (unsuccessfully) to blow it away, it was only then that I noticed the Kraken looking right down at me. "Heh heh, hi." It roared, all the air pushing me up as I struggled to hold on, I lost my grip and was now only holding on with one hand. I didn't know what to do, it stopped roaring and I fell back down, grabbing hold of the tooth and shrieking in pain as it ripped my skin.

I breathed out hurriedly, not knowing what to do and getting more and more exhausted by the second, I was in so much pain aswell, this was definitely not how I planned to spend my halloween. "Watch out!" Someone shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts; I looked around to see a dreaded sight- the mouth was closing, sending hundreds of teeth straight at me.

In not a moment too soon I lifted my legs up, the teeth collided together with a deafening 'shcunck' sound. The force of the impact made me lose my grip and I screamed, toppling off the teeth and into the water. Everything went black after that...

"...Tachi! Tachimukai!" I woke up, spluttering as I looked around me. "Tachimukai!" I looked up to see Tsunami staring down at me, the biggest smile I'd ever seen on his face. I gave him a relieved smile and he hugged me tightly, holding me close to his chest, I blushed a little and he just laughed. "Thank god you're all right! The sea gives birth to all life, we can't have it taking away life now can we!" He said happily. " it...ah!-" there was a large banging sound as Tsunami pulled me up hastily.

"Everyone out now!" Genda shouted as we all ran towards the now open door. I was the last one to go through, Genda, Kidou and Fudou tried to slam the door closed, only for a few tentacles to get in their way, they pushed heavily on the door, Tsunami helping as well now as I just watched the tentacles wriggle around desperately. There was a sickening crunch as the tentacles were clamped off by the door, oozing black gunk everywhere.

I just stood in shock. What the hell just happened. "Is this all of us?" Kidou asked, I looked around, there was only seven of us. "We're missing Handa...Gouenji....Nagumo and...Midorikawa" Geanda said, Suzuno looked panicked "Midorikawa...did he really get-" I started but Tsunami stopped me, Suzuno looked dead at me "Get what Tachimukai, what happened to him?!" I recoiled slightly, Tsunami put a hand on my shoulder. Suzuno looked over at the door "Are we, not going to go back for them then?!" He shouted angrily. "You wanna go back in there, be my guest!" Fudou retorted "Shut it Fudou, all my friends are gone, I'm not just going to leave them back there!" "Face it Suzuno they're long gone okay?-"

"Guys guys! I'm sure they're fine, this place is not real and we will find the others okay? Come on we've got to get moving!" Tsunami yelled, he turned his back and walked off down the corridor, leaving us all to follow hastily behind.

((Woop Woop! Finally got this chapter done after so long!
Don't forget to check out 'Make A Wish: H.O.P.E Foundation' by CityOfFragments!
As ever, vote,comment,enjoy!))

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