Chapter 4

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(Omniscient POV)
The now five boys walked through the night, stars already appearing in the inky sky. It was getting colder now and Genda rubbed his arms, Tsunami looked down worrriedly at Tachimukai who was shivering. "Um here, take this." he said pulling off his jacket and holding it in front of the other "B-but." he began "Just take it, please." Tsunami finished, the other nodded slowly and slipped it on.

"I'm still a little cold though." Tachimukai joked, however the taller one blinked at him and then pulled him into a warm embrace, nuzzling into the shorter one's hair. "Better?" he asked innocently whilst pulling away, Tachimukai didn't know what to do so just nodded.

"Hey what's that? Is that it?" Fudou said pointing to a shadowy figure partially obscured by the trees. Everyone looked up "Yep. After everything we finally made it..." Genda said, they all picked up the pace as they neared the mansion. They came out into the clearing where the old house stood, everyone else was there- well everyone except from three people.

Endou ran up to the five "Guys you made it!" he said happily, Genda scowling slightly when he saw that Endou had decided to be a werewolf as well. "Where's Sakuma?" Handa asked and Genda scratched his neck "He-" "Ran away from you too? Like Suzuno..." Nagumo interrupted bitterly. Everyone looked over to where Aphrodi, Hiroto and Nagumo were standing, Nagumo just huffed and turned around, muttering something that the others couldn't understand. "Uh anyway- " Genda began.

"Guys!" a voice shouted and everyone turned around to see three teens running towards them. Midiorikawa was at the front, followed by Sakuma and finally Suzuno. Genda's face lit up, Sakuma ran up to him and Genda had to hold back the urge to hug him, seeing the look Fudou was giving him. "Oh god, I'm so glad I found you guys!" Sakuma said, pulling an arm around Kidou and Genda's necks. "Yeah yeah, everyone missed you, now let's go!" Fudou said sarcastically.

Midiorikawa walked towards the rest of the group "Um sorry for running off by the way, but I found Suzuno I guess so yeah..." he said nervously, scratching the back of his neck. Nagumo had turned back around now, but still had a sour look on his face. "Nagumo!" Suzuno said loudly, he'd stopped walking and was now a few metres away from Nagumo. Everyone was 'subtly' staring at the two.

Suddenly Suzuno ran at Nagumo and hugged him tightly, hiding his blushing face in Nagumo's shoulder "I'm very sorry Nagumo, I didn't mean what I said, and I'm sorry for running away like that, I'm sorry if I made you worry at all. Can you please forgive me?" he said quietly, but still loud enough for everyone to hear. The other didn't know what to do, he slowly moved his arms up and wrapped them around Suzuno tightly, trying to forget that everyone else was there. "I forgive you Suzuno." he said softly.

The moment swiftly came to an end when Endou loudly announced that they should go inside.

Kazemaru knocked tentatively on the solid oak door, it opened with a slow and eerie creak, for a few seconds he didn't move, just stood there peering into the unending darkness. Endou tapped his shoulder, urging him to continue. "Can we go inside guys, it's fucking cold!" Fudou said, tapping his foot impatiently. "At least you've got a hoodie..." Suzuno mumbled. Kazemaru hesitantly put one foot in the doorway before looking back at Endou who gave him a reassuring smile. He gulped but walked in anyway.

Endou just kind of stood there until he, as well as everyone else was propelled violently through the door, landing in a groaning heap on the floor. Fudou walked in casually, arms behind his head as if he'd done nothing at all. The others looked up at him angrily and he simply stuck his tongue out at them. "Okay so we've seen the mansion, now can we please go, it's really late." Tachimukai said and Fudou chuckled "Wimp."

Suddenly the door slammed shut and Fudou let out a very unmanly squeak, jumping into the air. Everyone else let out a laugh as Fudou told them all to shut up. "Er guys, would any of you mind turning on the lights, I'm...kinda afraid of the dark..." a voice said, Fubuki soon realised it was Midiorikawa and started to fumble clumsily around the walls for a light switch. "Would this place even have electricity?" "Hey, quit poking me!" "Um who's hugging me?" "Wait, who am I hugging?" Fubuki's hands ran over something switch-shaped, he smiled to himself and flicked it, suddenly the whole area was illuminated and everyone winced at the sudden bright light.

Matsuno quickly detached himself from Kazemaru, looking over to see that Handa was actually all the way on the other end of the group. Everyone peered around the area in silence, they were in a long hallway that seemed to stretch for miles. A dark red carpet that was badly worn sat under their feet as ghostly chandeliers hung above them.
"Hmmm nice place eh?" Fudou commented sarcastically, blowing a spider off a nearby suit of armour.

He peered at the armour for a second before taking more interest in the huge axe it was holding. "Hey Fudou, don't touch anything. Be careful." Kidou said but the other just ignored his warning. "Come off it Ki, nothing bad's gonna happ-" he started before suddenly the axe came crashing down, missing him by a few millimetres, sending splinters of the mahogany floor flying into the air. Fudou didn't even have time to yelp as he almost became a Fubab.

Behind you!" Someone yelled, but Fudou didn't react in time. He looked up to see the knight raise the axe up out of the ground, and swing it right at him. It was alive - and he was going to die.

(Fudou 's POV)
I stood there, almost in awe as it came down, I braced myself for a sharp pain but suddenly someone had pulled me back and out of harm's way. Sakuma! The guy who hates me the most and who I thought would be the one to most want to see my demise. Time went back to normal and we quickly scrambled over to the group who looked utterly petrified.

It was only then that I noticed that it wasn't just one knight, there were now five all walking towards us. Two carried swords, one a mace, another with an axe and the last one had that spiky-ball-chain thing. ((Actually Fudou, it's called a one-handed flail.))
They advanced on us menacingly. Tachimukai dashed towards the door, pulling Tsunami with him but another knight appeared blocking their path with the hugest sword I've ever seen - I bet the door would be locked anyway. We all got closer and closer together "There's 15 of us and 6 of them, we can take 'em right guys?" Tsunami said but I could hear his fear.

Sword-knight1 lunged at me and I jumped out of the way, squeezing Sakuma's hand tightly - thinking I was holding onto Kidou. Bad move. The thing went straight for Fubuki instead who was standing behind me. It grabbed him in his huge metal hand and picked him up before he could run. He yelled and hit it with his fists but it just held him higher in the air. Gouenji ran at the knight but in one swoop it batted him away, sending him flying into me, Sakuma and some others. The other Knights then started to begin their attacks, grabbing people, throwing others. It was mayhem.

I'd had the wind knocked out of me and I couldn't get up. "No!" I heard Midiorikawa scream as I sat up slowly and painfully. The Knights were walking away, carrying Fubuki, Hiroto, Matsuno, Aphrodi, Endou and Kazemaru. We couldn't do anything to stop them, we were all just too beat. And if that wasn't enough, the floor decided to open up.

((Well that's what you get for not listening to Kidou, Fudou! Yes so that's the third chapter, as always thanks for the support and don't forget to check out my other books too! Thanks!))

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