Chapter 2

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(Omniscient POV)
The five began their long climb up the steep hill to get to the haunted house. It was a much longer journey than they had expected it to be, well it was pretty much in the middle of nowhere. Finally they reached the top of the hill, that's where the path ended. "So where exactly is this house?" Nagumo asked as he leant on a nearby fence. "It should be just across this field and past those woods." Hiroto explained pointing to the field in front of them. Midiorikawa gulped slightly, shooting a worried look at Suzuno, who nodded in understanding "I assume that we are going AROUND and not THROUGH the woods right?" Suzuno asked, knowing full well that no good could come out of walking through a woods at night, on Halloween.

"No." Hiroto said simply "It'll take too long to walk around, this is the only way." He added as he jumped over the fence. Nagumo was quick to follow, he reached out a hand to Suzuno who stood in between Midiorikawa and Aphrodi. "What if we get lost or something? I really don't think this is a good idea guys..." The green-haired one said, shaking his head. "Aw come on Midi there's five of us, it's not even dark out yet, and I know the route so there's no way we can get lost." Hiroto said smiling reassuringly, although it was hard to tell in the fading light.

"You know, you make good points." Aphrodi said as he stepped over the fence. At least he tried to; his foot slipped on the middle rung as he went over and he fell in a heap on the grassy floor. He got back to his feet as quickly as possible, assuring the others that he was alright. He frowned at his costume (which was basically his Zeus uniform) which was now muddy from his fall. The other two still remained behind the fence, not moving, until Nagumo gave them the option of either joining them or freezing outside in a field all night.

They finally agreed, more so Suzuno considering that he was only wearing a thin whit t-shirt and dungerees (he was supposed to be Hansel from Hansel and Gretel, but no one had offered to be Gretel...). With that all of them began to wander across the field as the sun finally sank beneath the sky and the moon took its place.

(Suzuno's POV )
I looked up at the night sky, what was that Hiroto said about it 'not even being dark out yet'? I thought as we padded across the soft ground, every now and then I would look behind us, I had a very bad feeling about this...

(Meanwhile, and actually inside the woods)
(Handa's POV )
I knew this was a bad idea, but I went along with it anyway. Matsuno didn't seem to be phased at all and he just carried on walking with Endou and Gouenji as if we weren't currently walking through a creepy wood in the darkness.

Kazemaru walked next to me in a mad hatter's costume and Fubuki was on my other side in a wolf costume, well it made sense... I looked down at my scarecrow costume, I'd actually put in an effort compared to Matsuno who'd showed up at my house in a top, jeans and a black cat hat, he called it his 'special Halloween hat'. I'll never understand him. I chuckled slightly at this and Kazemaru turned to me asking me what was funny, Fubuki did also. I was about to answer when, "BOO!" Three people yelled at us and clutched our shoulders. We all jumped out of our skins and screamed in terror!

(Midiorikawa's POV )
I heard a scream, someone screamed. It made me stop dead in my tracks. "D-did you guys hear that, please tell me that was my imagination!" I said as everyone turned around to face me. "Yeah I heard it too." Aphrodi commented looking into the woods. "But it was probably nothing...right?" Nagumo suggested trying to shrug it off. Suzuno turned to face Nagumo "Exactly how are people screaming .. Nothing!"

I looked at Hiroto for some kind of assurance "Guys guys, remember it's Halloween, people are probably just messing with each other and trying to scare each other." he said to us and we began to calm down a little bit. With that we carried on walking until we were at the edge of the woods. I hesitated, but Hiroto grabbed my hand and pulled me in, "Don't worry, I'm right here." he said as he walked closely next to me...

(Fubuki's POV )
I turned around to the three that had scared us, they were chuckling and I shot each of them a stern look. "That wasn't funny, gosh are you trying to get us to have a heart attack!" I told them and turned back around. "This place is already creepy enough..." I muttered under my breath. "Sorry guys we were just trying to lighten the mood!" Gouenji said, slinging his arm around me - which freaked me out at first because I didn't know it was him. We accepted their apologies and carried on, although I was even more on edge now. I thought I was hearing voices...or rustling of some sort...not good not good!

"G-guys! Do you hear that too?" I said moving closer to Gouenji and shaking his arm. He looked at me worriedly then jerked his head over when he heard a sound. We all stopped walking at once and huddled together in a little circle. The rustling and murmuring sounds got louder, and closer. "Handa I'm scared!" Matsuno whispered clutching tightly to him.

The sounds got even louder, when suddenly, they stopped and everything went deathly quiet...too quiet. "Run!" Endou suddenly screamed, freaking us all out as we ran for our lives, not daring to look back at what was following us. Kazemaru was a fast runner so was at the front of the group literally dragging Endou along who couldn't really keep up. We were all running for our lives and it was absolutely terrifying! I knew this was a bad idea! I heard a yelp and a thud as someone behind me fell over. I glanced back quickly to see Matsuno on the floor and Handa trying to help him up.

"Matsuno! Are you hurt? Get up quickly!" He screamed as they began to fade into the darkness behind us as we kept on running. We were losing them! I weighed up the options, and grabbed Endou and Gouenji's hands forcibly making them halt to a stop, almost sending Kazemaru flying. They shouted in protest trying to get away, but then stopped. Nothing was chasing us. "Fubuki wha-" Kazemaru started before I pointed behind us. "We left Handa and Matsuno!" I said and we all began calling their names.

(Matsuno 's POV )
I winced as Handa tried to pull me up, I'd hit the floor pretty hard and everything hurt. "You okay?" He asked me for the 5th time and I just nodded again trying not to make him worry. He pulled me up again and finally got me standing, I placed my arm over his shoulder and used him as a support for walking. I smiled at him gratefully "Thanks for coming back for me Han." I said and I was glad it was dark so he wouldn't see my blush. I heard someone calling our names and we went towards the source of the sound. We finally made our way towards the group sighing in relief as we were finally all together again.

((And the second chapter is done! I really hope you enjoyed that guys don't forget to comment and vote!))

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