Something in the Way

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~Victoria's P.O.V.~

The four of them chatted for a while. It was mostly about the band and their music and how they thought the tour would go. They also asked Victoria about her career as a musician.

"Well there's not much to tell. I loved music since I was a child so my parents enrolled me in a music school where I learnt everything I know... When I was about 16 I had my first gig in a warehouse and it was quite a turn out actually..." Victoria said with a smile.

"So you were a real talent right?" Kurt asked.

"I wouldn't call it a talent really... I just loved music too much. You on the other hand... You're a talent" she told Kurt.

"Huh... Thank's that's very flattering"

"So, um, Kurt... I think that me and Krist should get going..." said Dave.

"Yeah Dave's right I have to wake up early tomorrow and pack the bag cause you know how I always procrastinate" Krist added.

"Are you sure guys. I mean it's not that late" Victoria pointed looking at the kitchen clock.

"Yup... We'll see you first thing in the morning!" Dave said.

"Okay guys goodnight!" Kurt waved at them.

Victoria walked them to the door. She watched them leaving.

"Okay no need to panick Victoria... It's just Kurt... Kurt Cobain... With his beautiful, blue, mesmerising eyes! Deep breaths..." she thought to herself.

~Kurt's P.O.V.~

He was finally alone with her. He was very thankfull that the guys were smart enough to leave them alone. Now he had to figure out what he'd say to her. That would be hard.

"So Kurt..." Victoria said as she sat next to him on the couch again.

"So Victoria..." Kurt said back. "I really enjoyed talking to you in the ride home today".

"You did?" she exclaimed.

"Of course! It's not easy for me to find someone to talk to, besides Dave and Krist"

"Why is that?"

Really Kurt why can't you talk to other people? Why can't you open up to other human beings?

"To find someone that I share a common passion and the same perception of life with is quite unlikely. So that's why I like you... I find myself in you. I can see your weariness over the fancy wrapping. You're tired, as am I. We both have had it with this unethical, narcisitic and manipulating society. That's why I like you... Because our souls are troubled with the same demons" he replied.

He watched her as he spoke to her. She was fully focused on him and she looked at him with big eyes...

"Kurt... I feel what you feel and see what you see. But what are you trying to say?"

"Do you believe in love at first sight? Cliché trust me I know but do you?"

"I... uh... I don't know..."

"I'll tell you a secret... I do. I've always dreamt if the moment when my true love would reveal herself to me... And here you are. As radient and beautiful as I imagined you to be."

~Victoria's POV~

Victoria was ecstatic on the inside. Her hero had just confessed his love for her. What should she do? It goes without saying that she felt the same way. In Kurt's face she found everything she was looking for in a man. She had to show him.

Slowly and with determination she leaned closer to him. She touched his cheek with her hand. Soft and yet harsh, just like him.

He only starred at her. One could almost see an electrifying line forming between their eyes from all the starring.

Softly ans gently she placed her lips upon his. He kissed her back and suddenly their lips were dancing in sync in an unknown song.

She felt the blood pulsating in her veins and her heartbeat was easy to hear.

She had done it. She kissed her destiny.

~Kurt's POV~

Floating. Laying on clouds. Singing at the top of his lungs. Only those could compare to what he was feeling at the moment.

He caressed her hair and moved his other hand at the small of her back. He felt her breath heavier at his touch. She had her hands wrapped around his neck keeping him close.

She broke the kiss and just hugged him for what seemed like forever.

"I wanted this ever since I first saw you enter that record store... A beautiful stranger with a good taste in music" he said.

"I wanted this ever since I first heard you sing" she continued.

They layed together on the couch, fingers interwined and slept. They kept each other warm.

They had both found their purpose. Music and unconditional love.

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