"That is true," I replied back. "But we still should have a few things in common to tie everything together."

"For sure."

Lexi and I finished our 'room master plan' sketch at around 6:45 in the evening. We were so into it that we didn't even notice the time pass by so quickly. Then, Mom called us so that we could eat dinner already.

After dinner, we went straight back to our room and changed into some comfy pj's so we could finally rest after such a long day.

We cleaned the floor then set up the place that we were going to sleep on. We finished setting up our room's floor, filled with blankets and pillows on our combined two tiny blow up mattresses since we didn't have a proper bed yet. 


I had a surprisingly good sleep even though Lexi kept thrashing beside me. It was probably the exhaustion from the day taking its toll on me. I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me I was snoring.

I looked over to my side and saw that Lexi was still sleeping. I didn't want to wake her up, so the first thing I did was get out of bed slowly, making sure that I didn't wake Lexi.

When I saw that she was still peacefully sleeping, completely unbothered, I went out of the room, wanting to eat some breakfast. I was craving pancakes ever since I had a dream of me eating them.

I walked downstairs, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and saw that there was a note stuck to the refrigerator. It said:

Kids, we had to go to the store to buy food to fill up our pantry. We'll be back before 11:00 am. Just call us if you need anything. Love you!

— Mom and Dad

I went to the horribly stocked pantry and found the ingredients needed to make a pancake from whatever food we had in that and in the fridge.

I then went to the kitchen, a bowl in hand, ready to make my pancake batter, and cook a stack of delicious pancakes to start my day. I also made a lot of extra pancakes because my siblings were probably going to want some.

After a few minutes of eating, Paige came down, followed shortly by a shirtless Jackson, ready to eat breakfast. I gave him his stack of pancakes and some maple syrup. He sat down beside me, getting settled before eating.

I saw Ryder's figure, sniffing the air, smiling with his eyes closed.

"I smell pancakes!" Ryder exclaimed happily.

After about 2 minutes later, Lexi did the exact same thing Ryder did.

She sniffed the air then yelled, "I smell pancakes!" while running down the stairs. She actually tripped on the last 2 steps because of her excitement, so that was pretty funny.

"The steps should've ended there," Lexi huffed as her body fell down on the floor. She immediately stood up and even tried to bow to cover up what just happened.

We were all laughing by then, Paige even started choking on her water when she drank it.

"It hurts, you know?" Lexi stubbornly complained, rubbing her head.

"Well, it's not our fault that you're so clumsy," Ryder said with his signature smirk, which was really annoying, by the way. Lexi and I were on a mission to stop the smirk for good.

"Well, it's not my fault that the pancakes smell so delicious, and delightful and yummy and- wait, speaking of pancakes, where are my pancakes?" she demanded, her train of thought completely derailed.

I walked to her and gave her the pancakes she was asking for. 

"Here are the pancakes you were looking for, your highness," I said with a fake British accent.

She laughed then said, "Why thank you," mimicking my fake accent. We both laughed.

I then remember that I had to ask them something.

"Oh by the way, do you guys need anything so mom and dad can buy it? I think they're at the mall," I asked my siblings. "Or target or something."

"No, nothing," Paige said.

"Me too," Jackson added.

"I need toothpaste," Ryder and Lexi blurted out in unison.

Then, they stared at each other and started laughing. We all soon joined in, their laughing very much contagious.

I called my mom and told her that all they needed to buy for us was toothpaste and that we all already ate breakfast.

She said they were coming home in about half an hour, so I told my siblings that I was going up to take a shower in my parents' room since theirs was the only one with a heater for the time being. The other bathrooms were getting them sometime within the week.

After my relaxing bath, I wore one of my favorite yellow sundress and some heels. I brushed my teeth, and dried my hair. Then, I went into my room with Lexi, to be greeted by the sight of her using her laptop.

"You have to take a bath, you know that right?"

"Yeah, I know," Lexi stood up lazily, and walked to, I assume, my parents' room to shower.

t was very possible that she wouldn't have taken a bath if I didn't tell her to. The only time she actually does take a bath before noon without anyone telling her, is when she has to do something urgent or if there is something important planned for her or us, and school obviously.

That was a very interesting morning. Who knows what else is going to happen? I wondered.


Thanks for reading, guys! Hope you guys liked it! 💟

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- A and P

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