Part 2 - Chapter 11

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The chapel is small with only five pews and two columns. A bouquet of flowers lies on the middle of the floor near the altar. To the left of it is an image of Our Lady of Perpetual Succor while the tabernacle is to the right. The darkness illuminates a crucified Jesus at the center. I focus on Him and a gush of peace enters me. All my thoughts and worries seem to disappear. Being here is home.

I sit on the 2nd pew by the aisle and close my eyes, letting the solemnity of the place overpower me. Tears start flowing. All my emotions are being poured out at this exact moment. How long has it been since I last experienced this? I am too engrossed in my prayer that I did not notice I have company. To my left, a middle aged woman is kneeling in the front row and two pews behind her is a grandpa. To the back stands a man. Due to the limited lighting, all I see is his silhouette. Time check. 2:08 am. I have been here for almost an hour. Time to go back to Harvey.

Before heading out, I take one last glance at the mystery silhouette and see those familiar eyes looking back at me.

"Hey", he whispers. I smile and gesture for us to talk outside. OMG! Why did I do that? What are we going to talk about? I search my mind for words, topics, anything.

"Uhm, hi?" I say. But there is no response. He just keeps staring at me with a straight face. What is he thinking? He is making me uncomfortable. I try to start the conversation again.

"Uhm... thank you", again no response.

Then, all of a sudden, his hand is patting my head like a lead guy in a k-drama. That's weird, this is supposed to be awkward. Instead, I feel safe so I let him be. After a few seconds, he leans to my ear and whispers, "sorry" then lets go.

He is looking down, scratching his head. "Uh...I just thought you needed that. Sorry."

My lips form a smirk. "You do that to everyone?", I say to tease him.

"Sometimes I also hold their hands", he replies then winks.

OMG! I swear I already died twice because of this guy. How can a doctor be so damn charming and sweet and hot? If there is one thing that I am thankful for this hospital stay, it is this chance to meet doc...uh...I don't know his name.

I extend my arm for a handshake. "I'm Madie by the way. You are?"

"Running away again. Laters."

"See yah," I say, waving goodbye.

Did he just say laters? Who is he? Christian Grey?


Back at my brother's room, I dial Gab's number.

It is almost half past two in the morning but I need to do what I always do when I am exhilarated. She is going to kill me for this but hey, it is a best friend's duty to always pick up her phone even if it is in the middle of the night. She grudgingly answers her phone. I bet she does not know it is me on the other line.



"Sorry, I woke you up"


"I found my future love life. Haha!"


"He is a doctor. He is super handsome and sweet and- - -"


"Ok, fine. Just go to sleep. Goodnight. Love you!"

And I tuck myself to sleep as well.

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