6. See No Evil. Hear No Evil. Date No Evil.

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“Isn’t it dangerous having only one hand on the wheel?” Jacob asks, from the backseat. Alex looks at him in rear view mirror with a stone like face. I wonder what’s up with the both of them?

They seem—distant from one another for some reason. I’ll ask later…

“If I die, I die happy.” Alex says proudly, taking his eyes off the crowded road once again to look at me. My face immediately goes up in flames from the compliment.

Evelyn scoffs and hits the back of my seat. “Will you two stop? You’re not even dating, so stop acting like a couple.”

Alex chuckles and I join him. I pivot my body in the seat to look at her. “We’re not a couple Ev.”

“Not yet anyways.” The driver adds on in a seductive tone, sending chills down my spine.

“Kill Me Now…” Jacob mutters, staring out the window at the city lights.

“Well someone’s green with envy.” I bark at him in a playful tone. His head snaps towards means I smirk at him. I’m going to enjoy screwing with him. He deserves it. 

“Why would I be jealous? I got the hotter twin.” He spits back as a smirk plays at his lips. I growl and he blows a kiss.

I open up my mouth to throw him another insult but the car comes to a stop. “We’re here.” Alex informs us and opens his car door. Ev and Jacob exit the car but Alex looks over at me briefly and smiles. “Don’t open the door.” I raise an eyebrow but relax him my seat and watch as he crosses over to my side of the car. He opens the door and bows in front of it like a butler.

He looks up at me with his sparkling eyes. I never noticed just how beautiful they were…the moonlight makes them look luminous. “After you.” He courteously says, showing his dazzling and charming smile.

This is definitely not that same boy that wanted to hump me a couple of days ago.  It’s almost as if he made a complete 180 in his attitude. Which is a bit  mysterious in itself. He extends his hands to me. I take and he helps me out of the car. As soon as I emerge, the smell the sea hits me in the face. I stand on my tippy toes to look over the car, seeing only the glittering, wavy ocean over it.

“Okay Alex, I’m starting to feel like a pretty princess or something.” I note. I hated being called the girl in the relationship but for some reason I always date guys that are much bigger than me or they like to date me.

“Well you are my pretty princess.” He says, resting my hand in his while using the side of his hip to close the door.

Jacob whistles at us from the other side of the car, calling for our attention. “We’re going to get us something to eat. Alex you can take your little guy over to where we’re sitting.” He nods and leads me across the paved road onto the squishy, sandy surface of the beach.

“So, if we were coming to the beach, why did we where such nice clothes?” he shrugs and continues to lead me over to the boardwalk that extended out into the sea. He lets go of my hand and jumps up on it. Once he gets up he extends his hands down to me.

I fold my hands over my chest and huff. “I can do it myself you know.” He smirks and sits down on the ledge as I try to climb.

Unfortunately, I’m not exactly the most athletic so I slip down time after time I try, and every time I fail Alex chuckles.

I fall on my ass the last time and sulk. I look up at the smiling boy. “Hello, your pretty princess needs help.” He smiles and extends his hands out to me from his sitting position. I take and he pulls me up with little effort. Not even breaking a little tiny drop of sweat…It’s kind of embarrassing if you ask me.

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