"You are in early, Heera?" asked Vedant.

"That's Ok Sir...I didn't want to miss the briefing," she replied. "My mother is around. She said she will take care of the kids," she added. She knew her boss' concern would be of her kids.

"Shall we?" asked Vikram.

Charith began. "The victim's name is Veerkaran Singh aka VK Singh. Aged 57. Ex Army. He was found dead on the JP Link road junction early today morning, 1.00 am. Seems like a hit and run. Wife-Mina Singh, aged 52, lives with him. One son - Sharadkaran Singh, 30, Engineer, works in New York."

"Army guy's son works for the USA!!", commented Sagar on the irony. Charith distributed the profile of the victim.

"Mr Singh retired from the service 12 years ago. No case or complains against him during his service. Clean sheet," said Charith. "He moved into this city 9 years back, owns a house and a car."

"And the bike?" asked Sagar curiously.

"The bike is not registered to his name. It belongs to Hariprasad. He lives in the same colony as Veerkaran's," replied Charith.

"What about the crime scene?" asked Vedant.

Sagar cleared the throat. "It's definitely a hit and run. The bike and body were thrown apart. The tire marks definitely show the presence of another vehicle in the scene...."

"CCTV?" asked Vikram.

"No! That's what makes this case complicated. No CCTV camera at the junction...and the time of the accident and absence of any witness..."

"How can there be not a single witness?" asked Vedant.

"There were none present who witnessed the actual hit as per our initial report here..." replied Sagar.

"Who called the police?" asked Charith.

"A call from a passing vehicle. The caller wasn't present when the police and the ambulance arrived," said Sagar.

"Track the caller and see if you can get any details from them," instructed Vedant.

"Traffic police in charge??" questioned Vikram.

"The officer assigned for that junction left duty around 10.30 pm as the junction becomes less congested after that. Control room, after receiving the call informed the highway patrol incharge..." replied Sagar. "We are waiting for post-mortem results now. The family has been informed. We are yet to talk to them..."

"So...We just know the case is a hit and run. Victim is Ex Army. We have no idea what hit him, how and why. Has the family registered any complaint? We have no case if there is no complaint registered," summarised Vikram.

"Family registers a complaint or not, we have orders to investigate this case from the top," said Vedant.

"But Sir...We have so many other cases. Why should we waste time...," Vikram retorted.

"Vikram, if we don't solve the case, we have a criminal running outside without any fear, who poses a threat to create more deaths through his rash driving..." reasoned Vedant.

"Can be a "her" too..." added Sagar with Heera glaring at him.

"Yes!!! And it's our duty to control the crime of this city...and this is also one of them..." said Vedant with conviction.

"So what's our plan now?" asked Heera.

"You and Vikram meet the family and talk to them. Get to know about our victim, his last few hours and any suspects."

"It's not a murder. It's a hit and run!" reminded Vikram. "We have to follow on what and who hit our victim and where he/she is now..."

"That's right!" replied Vedant calmly. "Charith! Try to get hold of CCTV footages from the offices and buildings present nearby the junction. Get Agastya to work on a recreation of the accident. Sagar...Fill Agastya with the details and then go home and rest for some time..."

Everyone nodded understanding their role.

"We will have another new member entering our team to assist us with analysis. Charith, you will be guiding her," paused Vedant. "That's it guys. Set to work now and keep me updated." He left the meeting room.

"Charith! Contact the lab and let me know when we will get the results on the forensics. What about the photos?" asked Vikram.

"We will have it in an hour..." informed Charith.

"Alright! Heera...Shall we?"

Vikram and Heera left to meet the victim's family.


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