"Thank you for rescuing me, again." She sniffled. "I'm so sorry Lacey for distancing myself from you, there's just so much you don't know, and I'm afraid you'll hate me when you find out."

"Never, " I said placing a kiss on her forehead. "You'll never have to worry about that. I promise." I said wiping her tears away with my thumbs. "I have to meet some people would you like me to drop you off at home?" I asked

She shook her head no "I'd prefer to stay with you for now if that is ok." I thought about what Brad said before he drove off, the video, that is probably how he's been able to manipulate Amelia this long, I needed to find it and get rid of it, but I'd need access to his home and computers. I knew of only one way. "Great." I answered Amelia, I'd love the company."

I sent a quick text to Lauren letting her know Amelia was with me and another to Morgan letting her know I was on my way, then I dialed Mr. Lewis, nothing like killing two birds with one stone. The phone picked up on the first ring and I was transferred to Mr. Lewis, "sir. Crawford here."

"How are you Ms. Crawford, How is the investigation coming?" he asked

"I need a favor, I'm following up on a few things and need access to Richmond, Work, Home anything you can give me." Amelia looked at me with fear, and I reached over taking her hand before returning my attention to the phone.

"Do you suspect it's him?"

"Just checking off the list sir," I answered.

"What is it you need." He inquired.

"I need him out of town for a few weeks while my team and I go through his personal files." I said, "without a warrant nothing will be admissible in court, but if he's your guy or affiliated with anything I'm sure the government has its way."

"Consider done he'll be out of your way in twenty-four hours. I'll email you the information you need," he said ending the call.


A half hour later I pulled up in front of De Luca's Bar and Grill. I looked over to Amelia who seemed to have calmed down her eyes not as red as they were. I'm meeting my friend here we can get something to eat as well if you'd like. She nodded I got out walking quickly to her door opening it for her helping her out.

I held the door open for her as we entered the bar, I quickly scanned the area looking for Morgan when I saw the brunet waving me over. I gave a quick wave back and placed my hand on the small of Amelia back and led her to the booth. Morgan stood as we approached her eyes glancing over to Amelia then to my arm behind her, before looking back up to my eyes. "Gunny." She smiled.

"Captain" I answered with a small smile of my own as she quickly embraced me.

"It's been a long time Lace," She said as she leaned back. "Who's your friend.?" She asked looking at Amelia.

"This is Amelia Watson, Amelia this is my former Captain and friend Morgan De Luca." I introduced the women.

"De Luca? Like the name on the marquee, " Amelia asked.

"The very same, have a seat you two." Morgan motioned to the booth.

"I need to excuse myself to the ladies room," Amelia said.

"Down the hall first door on the right," Morgan replied.

My hand tightened around her waist. "You ok?" I whispered she nodded.

"I won't be long," she smiled for the first time tonight. "Can you order me a beer?"

"Sure," I answered releasing her, she turned and headed to the hallway.  I took a seat my eyes never leaving her until she disappeared from sight.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Morgan asked to bring my attention back to her.

"No " I answered simply. "she's a friend."

"But you like her, " she alleged. I looked at her trying to understand what she was implying. "The way you look at her, for as long as I've known you, you've never looked at anyone that way, not even me," she said sadly.

I shook my head, "Look." I said trying to change the subject. "did you get the files I sent?" I asked.

"Yes, " she reached down beside her and picked up her laptop placing it on the table and turned it to me. " So this Richmond fellow, she started he has some very influential friends have you looked into him yet?"

"Not yet but I've made arraignments for him to be out of town for at least a week or two. He'll be out of our way in twenty-four hours. " I answered then looked to see if Amelia was on her way back finding her standing in front of the jukebox. "Look I got him out of town for more than this investigation, he's, he's a rapist," I looked at Morgan and she understood the anger displaying on my face. "He almost got Amelia at her party, he may have done something to her in the past, mentioned something about a video." I hurry to explain as I saw Amelia heading our way. "I'll have access to his home, I'll email you the information. Please." I looked at her knowing I did not need to explain any further as Amelia sat down.

"Conceder it was done. " she said nodding as she closed her laptop putting it away, "have you two eaten?" she asked. "we've got the best Chicken Cacciatore in the city." she bragged.

"Sound delicious," Amelia answered as she sipped her beer.

"Guess we're staying for dinner," I smiled at her glad to have her near me once again. 'I think it's time to tell her about my own past maybe it's will help her see that I'll always be here for her. She slid her beer over to me and I raised a brow.

"If we're having Italian I'm having wine." she grinned.

I unconsciously reached up and tucked her hair behind her ear."Anything for you, " I said staring into her deep green eyes.

"Well, " Morgan interrupted. "I'll go put the order in," she smiled as she got up and headed towards the bar.


A/N: Sorry it's taken a while to post, please comment, and vote. Let me know what you think. This story is un-edited as you can see,

Thanks for reading


Out Of The Shadows (Lesbian fiction) (Edited version published on amazon)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon