Laughing Olivia raised her arms and shook her hips. "It's just a promoting gimmick." She spun around on her toes showing off the costume. At first, she had had her doubts but once she put it on she had felt right. A part of his culture.

She should have changed but it was problematic since she had to go back to the book signing. She shouldn't be here, charging back into the main living room and collected her coat that she shrugged on. "I have to go Saarah, please apologise, but I have commitments."

"There you are," she spun around to face Aaron. Khalaf wasn't here, it dawned on her. Of course, he wasn't. He had sent her away so her brother would keep looking for the lost city. She had thought she was over this, but wasn't, forcing a smile.

"Yeah, here I am, and sorry can't stop. I had forgotten about a prearranged meeting," she bluntly lied.

"Sure you have, please sit down Olivia. I'd make sure you make it back in time," Aaron waved at a vacant sofa that was taken, shrugging off her coat again as they settled down at her side. She relaxed as they enquired about her last year and book that was a best seller.

"I always like reading and jotting down notes about my trip and it emerged out of those notes." Got her over those lonely nights. The only bedfellow had been Teddy and he had become a very poor second to the real thing. She even missed Kitty. "It was never meant to get published, until one day my mom started reading it, and voila here I am, doing the writer circuit, so to speak. Enough about me how are you both?"

She enquired about their lives, finding out Saarah was running the public hospital in the city that Aaron had constructed. It seemed they had both contributed to their city. She asked after the twins, finding out they were back home and under a tight leash.

"I must say they are more pleasant these days to be around," Saarah smiled with warmth. "I think our Aunt, our mother's sister kicked some sense into them, making them realise their mother would be deeply ashamed of their behaviour. And they had a privilege life that they had a duty to respect, and came at a price."

"Oh," At least someone had gotten through, which was a relief.

"I'm surprised you didn't ask after Khalaf," Saarah pointed out, ignoring her brother's warning look.

"So he isn't here?" she asked softly eyes lowered.

"No, of course not," Aaron noted, to have her head nod in understanding. Why would he? He had no reason to. Sighing, she relaxed to have an enjoyable time, catching up with their lives over coffee and light snack on the balcony that warmed her all over at the memories, which weren't painful at all, just fuzzy with warmth. She missed him so much, but now this was her life and he had his.

"So how is Khalaf," she asked before she could stop herself. The siblings looked at each other, seeing their worry. "Okay, out with it, what is wrong? Please tell me Khalaf is alright?" She would just die if anything happened to him. Unless, of course, he was getting married. Her heart nearly stopped then raced. It had to happen one day. He was a ruler and heirs were needed and of royal blood.

"He pushes himself too much, works far too hard," Saarah admitted.

"Worse than before," Aaron offered.

"Spends too much time with that damn cat, Kitty," Saarah added.

"What? Does he have any time to himself? Does he get out at all?" They shook their heads. "So what are you going to do about it?" She glanced from one to the other to meet confusion. "Come on guys, you have a responsibility to the country as well. He shouldn't have to be looking after it himself. Force him to get out, organise one of your famous balls, dinners, anything to relax. I know he works himself too hard, but he needs a time out, everyone does. How about a holiday?"

The Lost City of Al-Sheerma - Rescued by the Sheikh - completedWhere stories live. Discover now