She also sent one for the family for the lost American life. Such heartbreak for them.

His radio crackled again, walking away, taking Olivia with him. "He is stabilised and they are flying him out now."

Olivia looked at him desperately. "Go," he whispered as he called the medevac, telling them to wait as she raced across, joining her brother and medics team, flying them to the hospital, Doctors waiting for their arrival.

Khalaf departed in his own helicopter, flying straight to the hospital. Decisions had to be made. Difficult ones, making calls to his family, receiving mixed feelings. He didn't bother the twins who were finally learning to behave themselves. The decision was his and his alone. He would make a decision after they made sure David was safe and Olivia had peace of mind. She had been through so much. Could he even consider putting through his burdens as well? It was a lifetime commitment.

Arriving at the hospital roughly at the same time, he went searching for Olivia, who was white as a sheet as they wheeled her still brother through a door, where she wasn't allowed to go. Khalaf took her into his arms. It wasn't over yet. He was in a critical condition, hanging on by a thread. She held onto for dear life, tears falling. "I can't lose him, Khalaf. I love him so much, I just can't." He just held her, rubbing her back.

Closing his eyes, knowing how he would feel if it was one of his family, even the twins. They might be a pain the butt sometimes they were still family and he loved them dearly. Maybe it was time to bring them home and make them see Olivia was no threat to them. Another decision he had to face. First, he would just concentrate on this, and Olivia, who needed him to be strong and give her the strength to see her through this no matter the outcome. Something he had done all his life.

And she wasn't an easy one to comfort as she paced, hugging herself, refusing to sit, drink or eat. "How long? They are taking a long time." She paused to frown. "Probably a good thing." She searched him out as he just stood there in the waiting room, where they were waiting for news.

"There is no use in speculation, Olivia. Yes in some ways good it means he is still..."

"Please don't," she begged eyes filling with tears. "Of course he is. Nothing is going to happen to him. He's my brother and nothing keeps him down. Not scorpion bites or snakes or hostile natives, so no, he's alive and will stay that way," she stated stubbornly. Khalaf went to her and took into his arms, where she buried herself into his form, arms going around his back, holding him tightly. "He has had broken bones, concussion, so he'd survive this. He always did. He is my superhero," she breathed in to be rocked.

"Of course he is," he didn't have the heart to tell her his injuries were life-threatening. Lack of oxygen. Actually had stopped breathing when they finally broke through, having no idea how long for as they fought to save his life before he was flown here. His hold tightened around her. He preferred the facts. The truth but for once he was keeping his mouth shut and would be here for her if something happens to him. With all his wealth and power, there was nothing he could do to stop this or change it. Maybe it wasn't worth it. Not this.

Noticing the doctor entering he whispered her name,  her head jerked up as she pulled away, standing at his side as they were approached by the head doctor. Neurosurgeon. "We have done all we can at this stage. There is swelling in the brain. Until that goes down we cannot see what damage had been done." Helpless Olivia looked at Khalaf, where she swayed and clutched at his arm to be gathered against his side.

"That's it, Olivia," he swept her up into his arms and placed her down into a chair, waving at the doctor, taking a seat as he settled down also, where his arm was grabbed tightly. "Please go on," he ordered the doctor.

The Lost City of Al-Sheerma - Rescued by the Sheikh - completedWhere stories live. Discover now