"Shut up! Maka's no one's toy!" Blair shouted, her leg pinned down Kristy's legs againest the rubble and Blair's arm on the back of her neck and wrist.

"Says you." Soul grunts, helping Maka up.

"Hey! I've realized my mistakes." The cat whined. Kristy took the chance to flip her body over so Blair flew to the wall. She grunted and fell face down on carpet that was now dirty from the fallen rocks.

I looked over to Maka who was frightened. I had only heard small mutters since Maka didn't like to talk about it but last time Kristy got her hands on Maka she was put in a show where they made weapons, or hybrids, prance around and basically made them feel uncomfortable, almost like strippers. Kristy had made tons of money when the audience found out she was a hybrid.

"Shut the fuck up, lady!" Black*Star yelled, even though she didn't say anything. Black*Star being an idiot lunged at Kristy, without Tsubaki, she merely flicked him to the side with one swift movement. Tsubaki ran to her partners side and rubbed his back, coaxing him to get up.

It was Kid's turn now. Kid ran with Liz and Patti in hand. He readied his cannons before Kristy twirled her finger and a large rock giant appeared next to her. The stone material was rough and looked jagged. The giant grunted, getting ready to charge,  Kristy let out a bored sigh. Kid made a rapid frenzy to move his weapons out of the way as the stone came crashing against his face making him fly across the demolished church.

"Maka, we could do this the easy way-"

I turned to Maka who made a 'tch' sound. I smirked at the damn dog, the one I love is about to kick some ass.

"You just had to ruin my wedding day." Her eyes darted to me as she gestured to take her hand. I smirked at her once more before placing our perfectly fit hands together. I started to glow and transform into my scythe blade.The red and black blurred my vision as I swung myself up. Maka gracefully caught me and swung me around. "You ready?"


Maka charged the giant, signalling for me to resonate with her. Once me and Maka finished DWMA I had become a death scythe, which allowed me to resonate with Maka much more quickly. I felt our wavelengths crash together, oh how I missed this feeling. Her soul was so angelic and innocent, it was to cute. Maka let the blade grow before slicing the rock in haft, easy as pie. Her movements were quite mesmerizing, swaying those hips, not even ripping her dress, and above all; looking like a bad ass.

"You want to hear my offer?" She gripped my handle and swung me over her shoulder, letting me rest behind her neck. "My offer is you let your crazy ideas never enter that fat head of yours and simply walk away, never bothering me or Soul, ever."

"You make it sound so easy." She growled. "Maka, your special, anyone could see that." I bared my teeth at the witch. Kristy placed her hands on her hips and continued her pouting session. This whole experience has been to cliche for me to handle. I just want to get married dammit!My expression softened as I saw Blair rub her pants to get rid of dirt and sneak behind Kristy.  Blair slipped a rock in her hand and crept towards Kristy. Her hand came down on the pink women, knocking her out cold.

"That's all we had to do?" Blair complained. "You think we could give her to the pound?" I leap out of Maka's hands and gave Blair a side smile but agreed with Maka. We decided it was best to call the police since Death wasn't around.

As the cops arrived to take Kristy away Maka picked up a crumpled flower.

"What's wrong, love?" I asked, taking the flower from her hands.

"Our wedding was ruined."

"You can still make it work! Just have it at the gazebo outside the church." Black*Star said with a smile. I think that was the smartest thing the assassin has ever said. As the group filed out making sure everyone was accounted for, Death sprang from some rocks. We all looked at him with wide eyes.

"What did I miss?" He asked in a drowsy voice. Maka and I sweat dropped as Kid sighed at his father's behavior and timing.


Death smiled under his mask at the pair who beamed at each other. Their estatic moods made the crowd excited for those two words that could change a person's life.

"Maka Albarn, do you take Soul Eater Evans ad your lawful wedded husband? To love and cherish, through sickness and health?" He looked at the girl who still had the small frame she had when she attended his school. Her eyes met mine and silence that passed through the air worried me.

"I do." She let her teeth show and watched as my face tinted against my nose.

"And do you, Soul Eater Evans, take Maka Albarn as your lawful wedded wife? To love and cherish for as long as you both shall live?" My grin couldn't get any wider then the one glued to my face. I wanted to remember this day for as long as I live. If someday we decide to have kids, I want to tell them every detail, well maybe not every detail.

"I do."

"You may kiss the bride." Death's voice merry.

I grabbed Maka by the waist and pull her in close. I rested my nose against her's until the timing felt perfect and I captured her lips. Her lips weren't like the day before. This kiss felt so much different the one we endures yesterday at rehearsal. This kiss felt real and meaningful. Shouts and woos were heard through the crows as Black*Star wiped a fake tear.

When we pulled back for air I hugged her as if i'd never feel her warmth. She didn't seem to mind because she wrapped her body around mine, engulfing her small soul with mine. We resonated for a while till she giggled.

"Better than your pillow?" She teased.

"Better than marrying your bed?" I teased back. She whacked me in the chest making a low chuckle come from my throat.


So sorry for this chapter. It was somewhat rushed but i'm editing it tomorrow so it will be better tomorrow. I have a cross country meet and then i'm going to my grandparents house. I will update though so yeah.

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