Telling the world

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Finally the day the two were excited for but dreading was here and they unfortunately couldn't halt the dawn from gradually transforming to daylight. The day was average but the two of them were unsure of the afternoon.
Soon, the two of them sat down in front of the camera, kian nervously licking his lips and jc slightly tremulous as his fingers snaked through the jungle on his scalp. Kian sighed, playing with his moist hands and feeling a sea of anxiety deep down. "You ready?" He asked jc. Jc thought for a sec then nodded. "Y-yeah...yeah..." He replied.
Kian took a deep breath and reluctantly turned on the camera. Jc fidgeted with the ring on his finger and sighed "why are we so nervous about this? They know were together..."
Kian shrugged "because engagement is a big means foreverever"
Jc giggled and sighed. "Whats up guys it's jc" he said trying his best to sound confident. "Aaaand keyaaaan" kian added making a weird face. Jc giggled and sighed. "And we have some news..." Jc continued.
"We're havin a baby" kian said jokingly with a giggle and added in his father voice "and I ain't too happy bout it"
Jc laughed adorably and shook his head. "Luckily neither of us are pregnant" he looked at kian and added "maybe."
Kian giggled and sighed out "in all honesty we are...engaged."
Jc nodded and giggled as he lifted his finger "I have proof."
Kian smiled and put his arm around Jcs shoulder and said "but this isn't gonna change anything between us we promise. We're still makin stupid videos together and were still best friends, were just, getting married soon."
Jc giggled "and I'm makin Joseph take a video of the wedding."
Kian giggled and replied "he'll probably be too busy taking pictures."
"True..." Jc said then giggled out "we'll make connor film it."
Kian nodded and chuckled "sounds like a plan."
Jc gave kian a cheeky smile and they lovingly starred at eachother for a moment, then kian whispered "how should we end the video?"
Jc shrugged.
After a moment the two of them decided on a way to wrap it up and jc got to editing with kian snuggled by his side.
"I love you..." Kian whispered out of the blue. Jc replied "I love you too hot wing."
Kian giggled cause jc does love his hot wings and snuggled into him more. They watched the video upload. This was it, the world would know they were going to be together forever. 3...2...1...uploaded. Jc bit his lip and kian waited for the views to go up. The two had been so lost in mentally building scenarios for the evening ahead that they were surprised they had even made it to the uploading part of the process. They watched the view number rise and felt their heart rates rise with it, but they knew it'd be ok. They took a deep breath, turned off the laptop and smiled at eachother. It would be ok...


Hey so uh, yeah I'm not dead. Haha hi guys. I'm sorry I haven't updated I have been pretty busy lately but I'll try my best to be active. I love every single one of you sweet hearts. ☺

Calm down and kiss me (Jian fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя