Chapter 7 I hope I dont regret this

Start from the beginning

         "Ok. As soon as Colton gets out of work we'll head over." I can hear the grin return in his voice.

         "Just keep me updated on the time," I ask and he agrees. We say our goodbyes and I shove my phone into my pocket. Getting up, I head to the library to find Ryan, desperate for sanity before what's about to come. She's sitting at her desk typing away at her computer with her glasses sliding down the bridge of her nose when I interrupt, "Hey, Ryan... uh, Nic and Col are coming over later," I say awkwardly.

         "I can make us all dinner later if you want." She turns in her chair, eyeing me and wiggling her eyebrows.

         "You don't have to." I sigh, she's no help. Only an enabler.

          "Nah I want to, I need to do something other than writing ." She shrugs but I see the evil look in her eye. I mumble an 'if you say so' before leaving.

         An hour passes before I get a phone call telling me they're on their way. I've spent most of the time in my room laying in bed and watching TV seeing as I wasn't motivated to do anything, crushed under the anxiety of their visit. As soon as the call was over I changed into something decent to wear instead of just a pair of shorts and combed my hair. I told Ryan to put something decent on before I headed into the kitchen and grabbed an apple to munch on while I waited. Sitting at the kitchen counter and keeping an eye on the window to see when their cars drive up I wait for fifteen minutes before I notice Nic's truck pull into the driveway and two figures step out. I stand up and head to the door just as the bell rings and I'm greeted with two strong arms wrapping around me and dragging me outside with them when I open the door. My arms go around the tall figure but only to get his attention as I weakly hit his back. "Nic please, air," I beg feeling the air slipping from my lungs until he finally releases me.

         He chuckles softly and steps back muttering an apology. Colton steps forward and gives me a far gentler hug which takes me a split moment to respond to. "Thank you for having us." He smiles down at me, his hand lingering on my face for a moment. I turn to hide my face, coughing to clear my throat. I didn't realize we were on a hugging basis, or that I'd reciprocate. I just kinda acted on instinct.

         "It's no problem, please come in," I say trying to quickly compose myself and turn to go back inside. "Ryan, Nic, and Col are here," I shout into the house but I don't get an answer. I shrug and turn to face them, "she offered to make us dinner tonight. If there's anything you guys don't like feel free to let her know."

         "That's very nice of her, when you find her tell her our thanks." Colton chuckles as he takes his shoes off and sets them out of the way.

         "Oh you don't have to remove your shoes, we don't at least." I snort, if Ryan and I get back from doing something we usually take our shoes off when we get to our rooms. Colton simply waves me off while Nic seems to listen to me. "Well, you said you wanted to talk to me about something right? You can tell me anything so what is it?" They both look at each other and I can see their moods change instantly.

         "Yeah, we have something to tell you. Let's go sit down." Colton offers.


         Colton offers for us to sit down and I can feel my heart starting to race as I get more and more nervous with every passing moment. What is he gonna think? What is he gonna do? What is he gonna say? So much is going through my mind and I can hardly talk. Colton has Dom sit on the couch while the two of us stand in front of him. He looks up between the two of us with a questioning gaze, He seems almost as nervous as me. Colton looks at me and I simply shake my head, I will not be the one telling him. I already told Colton I wouldn't. I don't know how to. With a heavy sigh, he looks back at Dom. now or never I guess, "Dominic, how do you feel about us?" As soon as he asks that Dom's eyes widen and he looks both surprised and confused. I'm not sure what Colton's doing but what I do know is this moment is the most stressful moment of my life. Worse than when I first became alpha.

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