Chapter 36

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Last chapter!! GAH! :')


*Jordyn pov*

Everyone is going bowling later today. I can't wait. It should be really fun. Then I think we're going out for dinner.

The trenchers have been freaking out about Matt and Nicole getting engaged. Ever since that night, it got me thinking. Someday I'll get engaged, married... Maybe have a kid. But who will I do all that stuff with? Josh? I hope so.

"Singin' radio head at the top of our lungs with the boom box blaring as we're falling in love, got a bottle of whatever but it's getting us drunk. Singing here's to never growing up." Josh sang, but yelled annoyingly, from downstairs as I put on my pants. I laughed. "Hey! Don't laugh at me!" He joked.

"I can if I want!" I heard walking and Josh stood in the doorway with his hands on his hips.

"What did you just say to me young lady?"

"I said I can laugh at you if I want." I repeated myself and tried not to laugh at Josh's face.

"No one, I repeat, no one! laughs at Mr. Ramsay." He told me.

"Mr. Ramsay? Really?"

"You making fun of my name now!?" I laughed.


"Then you need to be punished!" He ran up to me and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder as I screamed and started laughing. He started running down the hall and down the stairs.

"Put me down!"

"Never!" He yelled back as he started running through the kitchen to the living room. He slammed me on the couch which didn't hurt at all.

"Butt face." I mumbled and laughed as I tried to get up. Josh pushed me back on the couch. "Hey! Let me get up!" I said but started laughing out loud so I had no energy to get up. Josh stood there and laughed at me. He sat on me. "What the hell! Go away!"

"You're so mean." He joked as I tried to push him off.

"Fat ass."

"You always hurt my feelings!" He yelled and fake cried.

"You're a ugly cryer."

"Well, your FACE is a ugly cryer!" I laughed and he squished my face with both his hands

"Harsh." I said

"Your FACE is harsh!"

"That makes no sense!" I told him and laughed again.

"Your FACE makes no sense!"

"Oh my god! Shut up!" I said and tried pushing him off of me. He rolled on to the couch beside me and didn't look comfy. "Why are you so weird?"

"Why are YOU so weird?"

"Oh my god." I mumbled and chuckled, getting off the couch.

"He-e-e-e-ey, where're you going?" He asked.

"To get food."

"Can we go out for food!?" He whined like a kid.


"Good, cuz I'm hungry." He jumped off the couch and ran to put in his shoes.

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