Chapter 9

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*Jordyn pov*

"Hello!" I said walking in my house.

"Hey hun." Mom came out from the kitchen. "How was the beach?" She asked.

"Oh, it was fun." I said taking off my shoes.

"That's good." She paused. "Ok, so, you're dating-"

"Friends." I corrected her.

"You're friends with a person that sings in a band?"

"Yup. Even google them or search Josh Ramsay."

"Huh... I don't know how I feel about this." She laughed under my breath and we sat on the couch.

"Relax ma, we are just really good friends." I paused. "He's really nice... Matt said we are almost exactly alike."

"Matt?" Mom asked confused.

"It's their guitar player. He's really nice too. Same with the rest of the band." I said. She smiled.

"I'm just glad you're happy. I haven't seen you this happy in a while." I smiled. We sat in silence for a moment.

"I bet I can pound your ass in a game of Mario Cart." I told her. Yes... Me and my mom play Mario together. She laughed.

"You're on!" I set up our old game cube I kept over the years. We started playing and every time it was close.

"Dammit!" I yelled when mom came first for the fourth time.

"Ha, ha, ha." I looked at the time. 8:56. We wrapped up our game. I stood up and stretched.

"I gotta go get a shower." I told her.

"Okay." I walked upstairs and got a towel and went in my bathroom. I took off my clothes and jumped in the shower. I stood there for minutes under the hot water. I got out when my body turned tomato red. I put on sweat pants and a baggy shirt. I heard my phone vibrate on my dresser. I checked it.

'Hey there Disaster! - Riverdance' I laughed at the text and sat on my bed.

'Hey hey Riverdance - Disaster'

'Whatcha doin'? - Ricerdance'

'Nothing... Sitting on my bed talking to you :) - Disaster'

'Sounds like fun? -Riverdance.'

'Oh, did I tell you, my mom thinks you're cute - Disaster'

'Ooooo, maybe I got a chance ;) - Riverdance'

'Oh god, please no! I think I just barfed in my mouth a little - Disaster'

Josh and I talked forever, at least two hours.

'Matt is yelling at me to get my ass downstairs and work on some songs with the rest of the guys. I should go - Riverdance'

'Ok, have fun - Disaster' After that he didn't reply, I checked the time and it was 11:28. I turned off my light and got in my bed, nothing better to do...

*Josh pov*

I stood up from my couch and checked the time. 5:29 in the morning.

"Guys, I gotta go to bed. For once I'm actually tired." I said. Ian yawned.

"Ok dude."

"You guys can stay if you want." I said walking up the stairs. They all groaned. I walked in my room and immediately flopped on my bed. I groaned and passed out.

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