Chapter 20

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*Jordyn pov*

I woke up when my phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I said weakly into the phone.

"Happy birthday Jordyn!!" Alex yelled and I pulled the phone away from my ear.

"Oh my god..." I mumbled. "Thanks."

"How have you been since you and Josh?" She asked.

"They guys locked us in a room and we weren't aloud to leave if we didn't talk." I told her.

"And how'd that go?"

"Very well actually, we're fine now."

"Good! You guys totally had a make out session."

"Whatever." I said and laughed under my breath. There was a pause. "I was, uh, in the hospital for two or three days."

"Oh my god, why?" She sounded way too concerned.

"When I wasn't seeing Josh for a week I wasn't eating..."


"I know, I know. I promised Josh and mom that I will NEVER do that again."

"Good. Don't. But at least you guys are perfect now!"

"Don't jinx it." I told her and she laughed.

"Yea, yea. Anyways... Happy birthday!" She yelled again and I stretched.

"Thanks, I should get my ass out of bed."

"Ok. I LOVE YOU!" I laughed.

"Love you too Alex. Bye."

"Bye." She said and the line went dead. I stretched again in bed and sat up. I'm actually hungry, maybe that's a good sign? I stood up and I wasn't so dizzy which was good. I put on PJ pants and my hair in a bun. I walked downstairs and smelt fresh pancakes.

"That smells really good." I said to mom who was flipping a pancake and I sat on a stool at the island.

"Fo-o-or the birthday girl." She said and slid a plate with a pancake in front of me.

"O-o-o-o yum." It can't hurt to eat a pancake right? I'll just chew it A LOT before I swallow. I started eating.

"Any plans for today?" Mom asked and gave me a glass of orange juice. I shook my head and swallowed my pancakes.

"Not really. Josh said he is going to pick me up at six." Mom nodded.

"Oh, I have something for you." She jogged out of the kitchen and came back with a card.

"O-o-o-o." She gave it to me and I ripped it open. I read the front of the funny card and opened it. A bunch of twenty dollar bills and a hot topic gift card fell out onto the table. "Holy shit... Mom..."

"Don't say you can't take this because I'm not taking any of that back." I laughed.

"Fine." I read the rest of the card and stood up and gave mom a big hug. "Thank you." She made a laugh under her breath.

"No problem hun." She kissed the top of my head.

*Josh pov*

"Do you want to bring Jordyn over to my place and have a small party?" Matt asked as all the guys and I sat down in my living room.

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