Chapter 10

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The Bottom Line Is Alaskans gave us Eskimo Kisses.

I don't like Darren anymore. He has too much control over me sexually and mentally. Once he makes any contact with any part of my skin I lose it. It's been over three months since we started fucking and it's beginning to be too much.

Candy rolled her eyes. "Its because he's the first one you've ever fucked."

Yolanda looked up with a big smile. "Its amazing right?"

"I don't like it at all, but I can't stay away from him. It's like he's a refrigerator and I'm a magnet, I keep getting attracted to him."

Candy dismissed it with a wave of her hand. "I've been there before."

I laughed remembering something. "I know you have, Candy. I know what you mean, now."

"Every time you tell yourself you aren't going to let your emotions get the best of you or you are not going end up in bed with him. He does that one little thing that makes you forget everything and lust takes over."

I shook my head. "I'm not gonna end up in bed with him anymore. I told him that and yesterday..."

"What?" Candy gave me a confused look. "You couldn't have done it with him, you were with us last night?"

"In his office!" I looked down at the ground.

"I'm never touching anything in his office besides the doorknob to open it. Can you say disgusted because I can."

I rolled my eyes. "Girl, you didn't touch anything anyway when you came in there."

Yolanda let out a laugh. "Having sex with your boss, which by the way is married, losing your virginity, drinking before five. I mean where did my good girl go. You are suppose to be the reasonable and sane person of the group. I'm suppose to be slut," she exclaimed. She pointed at herself.

I laughed along with Candy. "I know. I'm losing control of my life."

Yolanda spoke sincerely to me, rubbing my hand. "Been there, done that, sweetie."

"You better grab you life back by the dick and pull it back to you," Candy said without even cracking a smile.

Yolanda held up her glass of red wine. "To us for always being there for each other even though we fight a lot!"

Candy and I agreed with her. "Ain't that the truth." We all clinked our glasses together and took a drink.


I sat across my kitchen table from Darren picking at the chicken I had fixed. Darren eyed me as he took a bite of his food. "What wrong, Rainy, sweetie?"

"Nothing," I shook my head.

Darren gave me a look and I caved in. Just like every other time he gave me that look. It was like he put a spell on me. Maybe he did, maybe he used black magic. That was far fetched, that thought was an example of why he aways tells me I am childish.

"I don't like that you have so much control over me mentally and sexually."

Darren looked at me confused. "Continue," he said. He sat down his fork.

I explained my point further. "For example, whatever you tell me to do I'm going to do it immediately, Darren. When we kiss everything goes. You take everything away from me that I stand for and I love it, but it's so new to me. I don't know if it should be happening like this."

Love? Oh, Please! Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat