Chapter 23: Racetrack

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Hannah's POV
I'm having a serious panic attack right now. Alexia is alive but she could be taking her last breaths in the back. Hunter is also un-caunciaus in the passenger seat with the most painful looking posture.

But then another vehicle comes into sight. It's a black truck with tinted windows so I couldn't look at the driver. Wait, that is Merle's truck.

It's Merle, here to save us. Finally! But he didn't pull over to help us. He just kept going. Rude much! I'll get him after this.

He was going to collide with me. I made a sharp left turn into the ditch to avoid crashing and I heard something underneath my jeep hit the edge of the pavement.

I looked in my mirror and I saw that there was a trail of oil behind me. My oil was leaking! Great, just what I needed.

Just keep going back to camp, just keep going. Hopefully I don't run out of oil first. Go car, come on!

I stop about a mile from camp. My engine was overheating. The monitor was beeping haywire.

How hard does life get?

Gabby's POV-
Why the heck did she just speed past me into the ditch? What the heck? I'm just mad now.

Hannah's POV-
I don't know how I can get Alexia to camp. How will I even introduce her to camp? Whatever.

Hmm,Well, I mean, I guess I could.

So I strapped Alexia and Hunter to the top of my jeep and pushed it. I must've looked so hot because when I got to the camp Merle was checking me out.

There's no way I was mistaken. And, he's the hottest guy here. He was just so hot and sexy. My life is gonna start getting a lot better.

However, Alexia and Hunter were still on my roof during all this and Merle probably questioned it. A lot.

Wait, Merle. I saw him on the road being so rude. But how did he get back here before me?

So somehow, I heard myself say "mad driving skills bro". I partly said this because I was waiting for him to insult MY driving, so I didn't look like someone who wanted to pick a fight.

"Yeah, actually, my trucks gone. Ye friend gabby stop it from me".

"Gabby is not my friend," I said, "She is the most ignorant, egotistical, and ugly person i have ever met. On the inside and out. She must have a character disorder or something"

I was so busy saying this, forgetting to realize that gabby was the one driving his truck. I should've known. Merle's just so...dreamy. He would never be a dickhead behind the wheel.

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