Chapter 1: Wakeup Call

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Hannah's POV-

When I woke up, I couldn't remember what happened. But, I heard a not-so-pleasant moan from the distance.

I figured I had time before whatever it was would catch up to me. I had a fuzzy image that seemed to linger in my thoughts whenever I closed my eyes.

It seemed to have a girl in it, with short dirty blonde hair. She looked one or two years older than me, and looked very tough.

Whenever I closed my eyes and saw the girl, a sense of intimidation came over me. I felt like she knew what she was doing in everything she did; a perfectionist.

Yet, not a snobby one, like many who lose their perfection to being rude. I took a minute to rack my brain of who she was.

Before I could determine who it was, I heard another gruesome, dreadful moan. It was closer now.

In fact, it was right above me, staring, ready to bite. I screamed as I stumbled to my feet (again, I am so clumsy at the wrong times).

Then, I had a epiphany. It was crystal clear to me now. It was a member of the dead, a zombie. "Okay, Hannah" I thought, "you can do this. You just have to live in the present moment".

I quickly realized I had no time to think. I ran, hoping I could find somewhere I could hide or find shelter.

Suddenly, someone grabbed me from behind a leafless bush and started to run east. Without thinking, I followed.

"What's wrong with me? Following strangers! Your mother taught you better than that, Hannah, get it together!" I thought. But, I had no time.

I had told my self to be in the moment. When we finally came to a fallen over log, the stranger turned around.

I was shocked. She matched the person in my lingering vision.
"I found you at an old abandoned farm" the girl said
"Yeah, I was practicing for the contest at the fair next month"
"Ah. I've heard of that. So, what's you're name?"
"Um my name is Hannah"
"Alright then, Hannah, my name is Hunter"
"So, what happened?"
"You mean you don't remember?"
"No. I just woke up not knowing what happened. I'm assuming you brought me here after you found me at the farm"
"Yes. I left you there because I didn't want to scare you when you woke up, but when the walkers were getting closer, I thought I might've needed to move you myself"
"Walkers is just another name for Zombies"
"Oh. So, what are we going to do?"
"Well, we're going to set up camp somewhere safe and then wake up early"

I was very scared. What if the walkers caught up to us? When we finally arrived, Hunter told me to get a good nights rest. But I didn't sleep a wink. I was too afraid of the zombies.

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