Quinn let out a breath after she heard the door close "Wow, she's uh different" she tried to ease the uncomfortable silence.

"Yeah she is..." mumbled Emily as she eyed Quinn she seen the way the two girls were looking at each other its the way Maya and her used to look.

Suddenly there was shout from the kitchen "Guys!"

Quinn and Emily looked at each other before racing off towards the kitchen. Once there they found Aria, Spencer, and Hanna standing around the counter island looking down at a opened laptop.

"What is it?" Quinn asked trying to catch her breath.

"Look." Hanna shoved the laptop in their faces. Spencer pressed play on the video curious what they're friends are having commutation about.

A kid who like to be 17 or 18 popped up with a big afro and glasses "The caption of the Cheerios ditching town" He stated looking directly into the camera.

"It seems like Santana Lopez a.k.a slut seemed to ditch town after being outed by Finn Hudson two days ago. Reports claim they haven't seen her since late Wednesday morning after ruining out the school crying. Some student are happy to know she left, while others *cough, cough* glee club members are heart broken that there're friend just disappeared" he reported. "Gerald Johnson!" They heard the kid shout out to someone down the hallway. Just then a minute later a boy came into the camera view wearing a leather men jacket.

"What's up man?"

"Im doing a news story about Santana Lopez going M.I.A., I just want to know your feeling about it"

The jock let out a big smile "I for one is happy to know she's gone, I mean she slept with the attire football team." He let out a bitter laugh "She was one the number slut in school who thought she was better then anyone, this school feels the peace beside that dumb club gl-" he was cut off by getting tackled to the floor by a kid with a mohawk.

"Shut the fuck up Gerald you don't Know Santana like I do." The boy with mohawk hissed.

Gerald laughed "Puckermen why are you standing up for her? I mean you both dated for awhile and she cheated on you with Kevin"

'Puckermen' threw a punch at the jock hitting him in the nose "Im standing up to her because she's my best friend since we were 6 years old and second she didn't cheat on me with Kevin asshole self was mad that she didn't want him so he started a rumor."

"GUYS!" A teacher shouted coming up to the duo tearing them apart. "Everyone get back to class! Ben turn off the camera" The video shut off leaving the four girls staring at each other.

"Where did you find this?" Emily breathe out.

"While you and Quinn were out in the living room I received a text message from 'A' sending a link" Aria answered.

"My question is why is 'A' sending this?" Hanna frowned.

"When was the last time you seen her em?" Spencer asked Emily.

Emily thought for a moment. "Before our sophomore year."

"I hate to ask this but how was she? like I mean in a person wise." Spencer questioned.

"She was a 14 year old girl sleeping with guys because she had this anger built up. She was a girl sleeping with her best friend who is a girl that she later fall in love with. She someone who was sacred of everyone finding out her secret so she cover her self by sleeping with guys" All heads look up the door way to see Santana standing there with her arms crossed over her chest.

"S-Santana I thought you left" Stammered Emily.

"I did, but when I walked to the end of the street I completely forgot that I had no idea where to go. So I came back and decided to take up your offer on meeting the rest of you friends" Santana shared.

"Im Hanna Marin" Hanna raised her hand in the air. "These to are Aria Montgomery and Spencer Hastings" she jamb her thumb to the right.

"Santana Lopez, nice to meet you guys" Santana let out a small smile "Now can you tell who the hell A is? and how you found jewfro blog video"

"Jewfro?" Quinn frowned. She has weird nicknames.

"His real name is Jacob Ben Israel but I call him Jewfro" She shrugged. "So now are guys going to tell me or are you going to play dumb?"

"I like her already." Hanna blurted out.

"A is our stalker" Aria stated. "Since our friend Ali disappeared a year ago we've been receiving these texts telling us each others secrets or sometime we have to play along with they're games ."

Santana just stared at them like they had three heads. "So you mean to tell theres some crazy bitch out playing with y'all?" The four girls nodded. "Why haven't you went to the police first then!"

"Its not that easy." Said Quinn.

"How blondie?"

"Look just know your going to be receiving texts just don't freak out" Said Spencer.

"Don't freak out!" Santana shrieked. "Dios mio esta gente está loca!"

"Im pretty sure she called us crazy" Spencer whispered to Aria.

"I think I need to sleep" Santana muttered shaking her head walking away "Locas!" she shouted back over her shoulder.

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