Chapter 1- Bloody Legs

Start from the beginning


"So how was your classes?" Susan asked me as we made our way to the cafeteria.

"Terrible!" I told her.

"Blake acts like a freaking perverted freak!" I told her.

"Doesn't stop him from being hot though." She said.

I shook my head. Susan and I both waited in line for school lunch. Ever since mom went to school here, the lunches were straight up disgusting.

Ever since we had our new principal, our lunches got worse-- hot, meaty hamburgers were traded for half- frozen tofu burgers.

"Next," the metallic, monotone voice of the lunch lady groaned continuously.

They were serving their 'best'. Chef's Meat Surprise.

"I honestly don't wanna eat this." Susan told me as we sat down at our table.

"We don't have much of a choice. It's either we eat it or-"

"- share with me." Blake said interrupted me.

My eyes narrowed, while Susan's got really big. She started to flip back her hair, making her designer shirt stand out more clearly.

"Hey cutie." He said to Susan causally.

Susan was blushing, her face a beet red. Blake plopped down, as if he always sat there. His little mob had just enough respect to not sit with us, instead taking refuge at the neighboring tables, which they normally never gave a glance at.

"Oh my God." I said, getting fed up on his arrogance.

"Realizing my beauty now, aren't we?" He said, smirking.

I thumped my head on the table. Susan was completely leaning over to the table, basically drooling on her apple.

" You didn't pick up a milk; you must be thirsty." He proceeded.

His innuendos weren't even clever. If I heard one more, I was going to leave-- it was enough to make me physically sick. He seemed to understand that because he rounded on Susan instead.

" So babe, what's your name?" He said.

Susan blushed a darker shade.

" Susan. Susan Summers'." She said.

Blake's eyes widened a little.

"The Summers'?" He asked.

Susan's dad, Caleb was an wealthy entrepreneur who specialized in the technology field. In every state across the U.s., they had like a glass mansions there. They were rich.

" Hm. I thought the daughter of Caleb Summers' would've been hot." He said.

He strolled away, acting like nothing happened. Susan burst out crying. I patted her shoulder sympathetically.

" A slinthead will always be a slinthead." I told her, repeating what my mom told me.

She shook her head no.

"I know he has something more then his outside in him." She said.

I shrugged.


"FLO.. flo.. Flee! Fwloooooo!" Mom yelled to me when I walked upstairs.

She was in the bathroom, her legs bloody.

"Why did you try to shave your legs while you're drunk?" I yelled at her.

She shrugged, her head moving sluggishly back and forth.

"I'b noticed me legs were hairy, needed to shave dem up for Brad today."She said, hiccuping.

I didn't even ask who Brad was- she had a new 'Hippie Bar' buddy every week.

"You chunked off a piece of your skin.." I said.

The blood was making me feel nauseous. Mom was muttering something about body soap. Without warning, she stripped her clothes off.

"Gosh mom." I said.

I looked away.

She jumped into the shower, and cranked up the water.

A few minutes later she was yelling, cussing.

"HOLY SHIT THAT STINGS!" She screamed loudly

She ran out of the shower, tearing down the shower curtain while doing so. I was desperately trying to block out her naked form.

I checked the soap she was using.

"Mom, of course it would sting! It's antibacterial hand sanitizer against your bloody legs!" I yelled at her.

She shrugged.

"I sensed it was a good omen for the third eye." She said.

I screamed in frustration, kicking aside the hand sanitizer.

"MOM! YOU DO NOT HAVE A THIRD EYE." I screamed at her.

"YOU HAVE 2! ONE HERE AND ONE THERE!" I yelled, practically poking her eyes back in her sockets.

She looked mildly interested. Then she shrugged and walked away, talking to herself while doing so.

I would hate that woman, only if she wasn't my mom.

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