Chapter 11- Stabbed In The Back

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C h a p t e r  1 1-

F l o r e n c e  W a l k e r

I couldn't believe I skipped school to hang out with him. Sure, when we got out of his fancy car, everyone's eyes were  on me. Maybe I looked weird, wearing flare jeans, with a too tight shirt, and boots. Next to Blake, I looked like a nightmare. Blake's ego seemed to big to notice. He took three quick strides towards the fancy restaurant.

When we arrived at the reservation table, I had even more stares. Blake signed his name. Then he nudged for me to sign mine.

"You had reservations at this place?" I whispered at him.

He smiled sheepishly.

"Well yeah, I knew you wouldn't decline to my second offer."

"So what if I did?"

"But you didn't."

"I mean, what would you do if I did?"

"Nothing, because you wouldn't decline." He said, smirking slightly.

I groaned. He was impossible. The waiter came over to our table. He had 2 slits for eyes and looked a lot like Voldemort.

"Did youz pick zee appetizer, no?" He asked in a heavy french accent.

I giggled. I imagined Voldemort being a french waiter.

The waiter and Blake stared at me. Oops. I didn't say that in my head.

The waiters face turned red.

"I haz many insults." He said, smacking his lips furiously, "But none Voldemort, thank you."

And then he offered us a snake supreme. And then I lost it at thought about him chopping up Nagani to make burgers. Alec looked apologetic to the waiter, but when the waiter stormed away, he burst out laughing.

"Why are you even laughing? It's not like you read Harry Potter." I pointed out, slightly hiccuping.

Blake rolled his eyes.

"What, does it look like I don't read?" He said, sounding hurt.

But by the look on his face, I could tell he was kidding.

We subsided to a cosy silence. I liked this part about Blake. Not being perverted, but flashing his cute crooked smile.

"You find my crooked smile cute?" He asked.

I ducked my head, my cheeks flaming. Curse my abnormality too speak my thoughts out loud.

A waitress came at the table. She had beautiful caramel skin, and subtle green eyes. Voldemort waiter guy probably told him to go get us, since I was being difficult.

"What would you want today?" The waitress asked.

I looked down at the menu. There was no pizza, or cake, or anything remotely normal.

"I'll have water please." I told the waitress.

I saw her nostrils flare slightly, and turned to Blake.

"What would you, handsome want?" She purred.

I saw her bat her eyelashes, and I gritted my teeth.

"I'll have your best please." He asked.

She took her time writing down the order. When she walked away, she threw Blake a wink, who still held a stony face.

The once comfy silence turned cold and awkward. I could see Blake looking like he wanted to say something, but kept his mouth shut.

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