Chapter 9- Nightmare

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Bella's P.O.V

After I finished my story, Damy was really angry and Steffy sat there tearry eyed.
"Bella I'm so sorry." Steffy said but I just told him it wasn't his fault.

I really didn't understand why he was saying sorry, he couldn't have stopped Zach. Or my mother in fact.
Damy calmed down and then he sat beside me, putting his arm around me.
If only they both knew that that wasn't the worst thing Zach did. That wasn't the worst thing I have experienced...

"Can we do something fun? So that we are not all miserable?" I asked Damy and steffy and they nodded smiling.

"Let's make a cake." steffy suggested and I nodded eagerly.

We got all of the ingredients out of the cupboards.
Damy cracked the eggs and added flour, as stefan added sugar and butter.
I grabbed the bowl and started mixing it all together. It was getting pretty messy. Cake mixture was flying around everywhere, onto the table and then I noticed that some had ended up on Damy and Steffy's faces.
I started laughing lots and then Damy took the spoon and wiped some of the mixture on my face.
I gasped, but then I started laughing so much I nearly fell over.
Damy and Steffy were laughing too.
I grabbed a different spoon and I tasted some of the mixture,
"Yummmmmm! This is so yummy!" I exclaimed and they both laughed.
I started eating more then Steffy spoke,
"Slow down Bella! There'll be no cake mixture left to actually make the cake." he laughed.
I stopped for a minute,
"But this tastes really nice." I whined.
They both looked at each other and then they both grabbed a spoon and started eating the mixture too.
I laughed and in a few minutes the bowl was empty,
"Well, that was a good cake." Damy said and I giggled.

I hopped off the little stool that I was standing on so that I was tall enough to reach the bowl. As I got on the ground, everything went dizzy. I seen little patterns and I felt like the world was spinning.
"Bella are you okay?" Steffy appeared in front of me.
My head was hurting a little and my legs were tired,
"Yeah.. just got a bit of a head ache." I murmured, then I yawned.
Since the car, I still hadn't been fully recovered. I often get headaches and I go dizzy, but I'm better.
"Can I go to sleep now?" I asked, yawning again.
They chuckled,
"Yes, come on."

I went upstairs and climbed into my bed,
"Have a nice sleep." Steffy smiled before leaving with Damy.
I snuggled up into the cosiness of my bed, thinking about how much had changed, it's crazy! I wasn't thinking for long as I soon drifted off to sleep.

We were eating out at a restaurant. Me, My mom, Macy and Zach.
"I will get a medium-rare steak, a side of fries- large, as well as a double cheeseburger with extra cheese and a large garlic bread. Hmm... Meat feast pizza? I'll have a twelve inch one of those too, with another large side of fries." Zach told the young waiter who was scribbling down furiously on his note pad, trying to keep up with everything Zach was saying. My eyes widened slightly at how much food he was ordering, and the waiter had the same expression.
"I'll have the same." Mom told the waiter who's eyes widened more but he hid it well.
"Macy, what do you want to eat?" Mom asked.
"Erm... I'll have pepperoni pizza." She replied.
The waiter scribbled it down and then looked at me,
I was cut off,
"No. She's okay, she ate before." Zach interrupted.
The waiter raised his eyebrows and looked down at me doubtfully, but I avoided his gaze. Of course I didn't eat earlier, Zach just wanted to torture me even more. Starving me. He wanted me dead. Plus, they wouldn't spend any extra money on me.

So, everybody else's meals came, and I just sat there. I stared into space and ignored the emptiness in my stomach.
I hadn't eaten anything in a couple of days, I normally manage to sneak myself some bread whilst I am cooking, but Zach has been watching me closely.
Macy coughed which bought my attention towards her, and she was holding out a piece of pepperoni pizza under the table to me. She was trying to give me it. My eyes widened in surprise and happiness, and I went to grab the pizza but Zachs voice rang out,
"Is the pizza nice, Macy dear?"
She flinched and pulled her hand back and nodded,
"Y-yeah it's lovely." She stuttered.
He narrowed his eyes whilst smiling,

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2016 ⏰

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