The end

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Author's note: I was sick for days and that's the reason I stopped updating my stories. I feel better now and I wanted to finished this story. This end was not my original idea. I came up with it to complete it because I hate unfinished stories. I hope you like it.

Lisbon stared at the door, curled like a little ball with tears in her eyes. Fear clutched her heart and started to sob as she continued to look anxiously the door. Her child, her little Sam ran through her eyes every time she closed her eyes. She imagined him laughing, his blond hair flying in the air and screaming as she scooped him up with Jane on their side smiling bright to them.

The door opened with a small knock and Cho came inside and approached her. He looked serious and she immediately felt a pinch in her heart. She wiped her eyes before she spoke:

"What's going on Cho? Where is Jane? Cho, please talk to me" Lisbon plead with tears in her eyes.

"Wylie found something in the videos from the security cameras. The person who took your baby is a woman." Cho started explained softly. "We tried to ran a face recognition to her image but..."

"But what Cho? " Lisbon said irritated.

"Jane recognized that woman. She is someone he know. Someone we all know." Cho continued.

"Who? Come on Cho. Who is she?" Lisbon asked upset.

"Kristina Frye." Cho said lightly and waited her reaction.

"How can...? Are you sure? I thought she was still lost in her mind. That she believes she is still dead." Lisbon respond confusion

"She had a good treatment. We contacted with her doctor and he told us she was released a month ago."

"I don't understand. Why do she want to hurt us? Where is Jane?"

"He is with Wylie. He can't face you, he feels responsible for what it happened."

Lisbon stood up ignoring Cho and left her room and went to find Jane. Cho followed her without trying to stop her.

"What the hell is going on Jane?" Lisbon yelled at Jane as she entered the room.

"I see you spoke with Cho. I will find her Lisbon. " Jane respond trying to calm her down.

"Why did you send Cho? And what did really happen between you and Kristina?" Lisbon asked aggressive.

"Nothing happened. You know everything. I send Cho because I thought it was better not to learn about it from me." Jane replied softly.

"I don't believe you Jane. How much stupid do you think I am? Do you want me to believe that a woman you were pretty close back then, came and took my son without a reason?" Lisbon screamed at him.

"OUR son and yes, I want you to believe it cause it's the truth. I haven't seen her for years and I was really surprised when I saw her in the video." Jane respond death serious. "I don't know why she did it but I'm gonna find it. Don't doubt about me Teresa. Please."

"We will find my son first and then we will make a talk later." she said coldly and left him to speak with Tork and Wylie.

They stayed there searching for Kristina for hours. Lisbon refused to talk or see Jane despite all his efforts to approach her. He didn't want to push her and he stayed away from her with a sigh.

Late at night Cho's phone rang and he smiled a little. He hang up and looked at Lisbon and Jane before he spoke:

"They found her. She is at Pennybacker bridge and she has the baby with here." Cho said and they ran to the car and drove there as quickly as they could. Lisbon sat beside Jane at the way to the bridge silent with her eyes closed touching her cross.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2015 ⏰

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