Part 3

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The door of the morgue opened and Jane with Lisbon came out. Lisbon was sobbing on his shoulder and Jane was stroking her hair trying to comfort her.

"He was not our Sam, Jane. I told you I felt he wasn't Sam." Lisbon said exhaled heavily.

"Not he wasn't. We will find our Sam Teresa. I promise you to bring him back in your arms. " Jane said taking her in a tight hug.

"Where can he be? Why didn't they contact with us? What do they want?" Lisbon said upset.

"I don't know. Please Lisbon Relax. It's not healthy my love. Come on, let's go to your room." Jane said and pushed her on the elevator.

"I don't want it. I want to go and research for him."

"No. You are weak Teresa. You will stay here and I will take care of it. Please, I can't worry about you too now Lisbon. I need you to be strong. " Jane replied serious.

"Okay. But I want you to tell me everything. Don't hide from me anything Jane. I need to know." Lisbon respond serious.

"I won't." Jane said softly and kissed her forehead.

When they arrived to Lisbon's room, Lisbon laid down to the bed and an hour later she fall asleep for the exhaustion and the crying.

Jane stayed with her until then and after he left to find Cho. He went to the security room and he entered without knocking.

"Did you find anything?" Jane asked anxiously.

"Nothing yet. I'm relieved that baby wasn't yours. Wylie is still working on the videos and I ran a search to the employees here. Nothing so far. How is Lisbon?" Cho asked neutral.

"She is devastated. She is sleeping now. I don't know what to do Cho. I can't lose my family again." Jane respond with a break voice.

"You won't. Have faith Jane. They took him for some reason. He is still alive. If they wanted him death, they wouldn't have taken him. " Cho said with concerned. "Stay strong and help me find him."

"You are right. I need to focus." Jane replied serious.

"Good. What's your thoughts? Do you believe it connects somehow with Red John?" Cho asked carefully.

"I don't know. Maybe. Red John had a few minions but I don't think so. I don't feel it." Jane sighed and opened a file and started reading.


Lisbon woke up hearing a cry. She opened immediately her eyes calling 'Sam.'. The crying was coming outside the room. She stood up and ran out. She was hearing it and ran down the hall searching for Sam. She went to the chamber where they nurse the babies. The room was empty but the crying became louder. Lisbon entered and search the cribs. They were all empty until she found one with Sam inside crying. She smiled and ran above him. When she saw him, Sam was filled with red and he stopped crying. Lisbon began to scream his name and crying. She took him in her arms and everything around became red.


"Lisbon woke up. It's only a nightmare. Lisbon open your eyes now." Jane screamed and shook her hard to wake her up.

Lisbon opened her eyes screaming and jumped off the bed. Jane embraced her tightly ,whispering comforting words on her ear.

"It was only a dream. You can calm down Teresa." Jane whispered softly stroking her hair.

"I heard his crying and when I found him, he was filled in his blood Jane." Lisbon said between sobs.

Jane closed his eyes from the pain trying to keep himself compose.

"Did you find anything?" Lisbon asked anxiously.

"Nothing so far. I'm sorry." Jane respond softly.

"Why do they wait for? I can't understand Jane. " Lisbon asked confusion

Before Jane had a chance to reply, the door opened and Wylie came inside.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted. I think I find something and you need to come see it Jane." Wylie said uneasily.

"I'm coming, thanks Wylie." Jane said with a small smile at the young agent and he return his gaze back to Lisbon. "I will go see what they found. You stay here Lisbon. That's a order." Jane continued serious.

Lisbon wanted to protest but she nodded with a frown. "You will come and tell me right away what it is. I need to know".

"Okay. " Jane agreed and they walked backwards until Lisbon sat in the bed. Jane kissed gently her forehead and he left to find Wylie.

"What did you find? Jane asked quickly when he entered the security room.

"I ran a check at the videos of that day. And I find that." Wylie respond and click on the computer. "It's a woman. Her face isn't very clear but it's a start. I run face recognition, I hope to have a match."

Jane was speechless looking at the computer screen and after a few seconds he spoke again:

"There is no need to do it Wylie. I know who she is" Jane said pulling all the attention to him.


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