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A ding sounds from my phone. I go and check it to see if it was anything or anyone important and I almost passed out when I saw that MICHAEL FUCKING CLIFFORD favorited and re-tweeted my tweet.

Much to my embarrassment the post was about him, but then again it was nothing unusual for me to be posting about 5sos.

After my mini, by that I mean extreme, freak out my mum calls me from the kitchen I bolt out of my room with my phone almost flying out of my hand as I scream towards the kitchen and as I reach my mum I almost trip and fall flat on my face.

I regain my balance and basically shove my phone in my mums face and screaming 'look' over and over again. She motions to me to settle down ad breathe I do as I'm told and show her she looks at me and smile with a questioning look.

"Is this the band you like?" She asks likes she's scared I what my answer will be, I mean to be honest I would probably be pretty scared myself "Yes mum its that band".

"What's all this screaming about?" I turn around to where the voice came from and see my oldest brother walking towards me, I snatch my phone out of my mums hand and shove it in front of his face, "MICHAEL GORDON CLIFFORD JUST FAVORITED MY TWEET" I squeal.

"Is that the band you like with the Asian drummer" he laughs, I can feel the anger boiling up inside me "No the drummer isn't asian and there is no asian member, anyways he is Kiwi and Scottish" I say as I restrain myself from punching him, but I struggle not to so I end up leaping on him and tackling him to the floor "You going down for that" he screams.

I jump off of him grab my phone and bolt to my room, lock the door so he or my younger brother can't get in. I grab my phone and unlock it pressing the Skype app and calling my best friend Brittany.

"Hey Nay" she greets me tiredly "You will never guess what happened this morning" I say a little to enthusiastic seeing as it is only 9:30 in the morning "um you seen happy, did Michael Clifford finally notice you" she laughs though the phone. I grin and even before I had the chance to answer she squeals "NO HE DID NOT YOUR JUST BEING A 'A HOLE AND WAKING ME UP AT FUCKING 6:30 IM THE MORNING IM GOING BACK TO SLEEP CALL ME IN A COUPLE OF HOURS" she yawns and hangs up.

I laughs and opens my Facebook messenger app and send dr a screenshot of him retweeting and favoriting my tweet and tell her to check Michaels Twitter account.

I unlock my door and quietly walk into the bathroom without my brother noticing me. I grab my makeup bag and my hair straight and begin to attempt to make myself look good.

Hello everyone and thank you for checking out our book.
Laihla will be updating on Saturdays and Leonie will be updating on Wednesday.

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